Whoosh! I'm looking for a Hot Polish Fox. Have you seen one?
Bianca goes to SOS to pick up Lena

Lena Kundera

June 23, 2003

(Lena appearance)
Last update: 12/06/03

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Myrtle Fargate
Bianca Montgomery
Lena Kundera (Olga Sosnovska)
Erica Kane
Jackson Montgomery
Greenlee du Pres


Binks discovers Lena waitressing at SOS


From The Official Site at ABC.com:

Myrtle challenges Bianca to start living again and admit that she has feelings for Lena. Bianca finds Lena working as a waitress at SOS and admires Lena's effort to prove herself without making a show of it. Bianca makes it clear to Lena that she is keeping an open mind about her.

From About All My Children

Myrtle notes that she was very happy with Lena and is very unhappy without Lena—that seems simple enough to her! She’s not telling her to throw herself at anyone but, “Take what the good Lord gave you and get it out there!” Bianca wouldn’t know where to start, but Myrtle tells her that Lena is at S.O.S. Binks asks if she’s on a date, and Myrtle says she’s got legs, “Go and find out!”

Lena is waiting tables, amusedly asking a customer if that line ever actually works for him? When she goes to the bar for her next order, the bartender says if that guy gives her a hard time… Lena laughs that she can handle him and delivers drinks to another table. She turns at the sound of Bianca’s voice, and agrees she can take a break now. Bianca thought she was working at Greenlee Enterprises, and Lena agrees she really enjoys it. Bianca wonders what she’s doing here waiting tables? Lena explains that her new job isn’t quite as prestigious as her job at Enchantment, and the pay is very different; it’s partly about money, but she also likes to keep busy. She admits she doesn’t have any time for herself, but that’s not necessarily a bad thing right now. Bianca knows what she means, and asks about Lena’s mom. Lena says she’s very happy in Chicago, and is planning to stay there if they can afford it. Bianca guesses that’s why Lena is working here, and she admires that.

When Lena tells her customer she’s cutting him off after this drink, he suggests she could always take him home! She smiles as she tells him the customer is always right, but the customer isn’t always her type! Bianca and the bartender agree she handled herself pretty well, and Bianca smiles as she adds that she likes this side of Lena. When the customer calls for his check, Bianca tells her to go, “I’ll wait for you.”...

Greenlee peeks around the corner where she’s been hiding, and goes into Jack’s room. She notes, “So, you don’t look too bad, considering.” Jack thanks her, and asks how she got past his guard? Greenlee says she told her she had to talk to him about Lena, and Jack asks how her job is going at Greenlee Enterprises? Greenlee doesn’t know, and Jack says that covers that.

Kenny tells Simone he wants to marry her!
Lena asks Michael, “Are you threatening Bianca?”
David finds Edmund and Maria on the beach and asks if this little outing isn’t short a couple of people, “Where’s Aidan and Mia?”
When Liza says he’s still the same arrogant little child he was in high school, Tad agrees, “That’s right, baby, I’ve still got it! You loved it then, and you love it now!”

From Soap Slut

Previously on All My Children
Maggie grew a brain just in the nick of time to deny Henry*ss a booty call.
Bianca calmly told Lena that she wouldn't be getting a chance to hurt her again.
Greenlee warned Kendall that Erica's not going to cut her any favors.
Mary admitted the truth about Greenlee to Erica.
Mia and Tad got a little too friendly on the beach...

Bianca's trying to figure out where she always goes wrong. Seems she's been reading a self-help book. Myrtle thinks her situation is pretty clear: she was happy with Lena, she's unhappy without her. She also mentions pretty heavy-handedly that Lena's currently at S.O.S., causing Bianca to worry that she's there on a date. Myrtle advises her to go and find out for herself...

Lena's ... wait, huh? She's waitressing at S.O.S.? Bianca makes her presence known...

Bianca voices her surprise that Lena's waiting tables. Turns out the new job is less prestigious and pays a lot less (though I remember it sounding like a pretty sweet job when Greenlee and Woody discussed it, but okay). Of course, the real reason she's trying to pull in as much cash as she can is that Lena's mom is in Chicago and would like to afford staying in the country. Binks beams that she thinks that's admirable...

Bianca enjoys seeing this casual side of Lena...

On the next All My Children
Kenny wants to MARRY Smoan. Good lord.
Lena demands to know if *sshole is threatening Bianca.
David blathers something to Maurmund. Good god, what a combination of dull.
Tad thinks Liza's still in love with him.


This all gay recap is by C.K..
Read all the All Gay Re-caps at http://groups.yahoo.com/group/TheAllGayRecap/.


Stupid line of the day
- Kendall (to Erica): "This will be mutually beneficial to both of us."
Funny Line Of The Day -
Erica (to Greenlee): "Greenlee, why don’t you just go blow your nose?""

  • Mary is wearing a new immunity necklace.
  • Bianca chases Lena.
  • Mia and Liza fight over a man. I mean, over Tad.
  • Bianca likes Lena’s side.
  • It’s Soufflé Hair Day in Pine Valley.

Before the Break - Stuart offers Carlos a job at the Gallery; Dr. Andersen offers Maggie an internship at the clinic.  Bianca reads poetry.

Myrtle's Boarding House - Myrtle walks into the living room, finally takes a look at the décor and faints. Heh. No, she sees Bianca putting down the book she’s been reading and joins her on the couch.

Myrtle: "I have been waiting for you to put down that book for the last hour."
Bianca: "You can always interrupt me."

Not me: don’t ever interrupt me while I’m reading!  If you do, you had better be dying or allergic to the peanuts you've just eaten.

Myrtle: "I know I can interrupt you but the point is, are you gonna listen?"
Bianca: "Well, that sounds kind of serious: what’s on your mind?"
Myrtle: "You. You are on my mind."

What’s around Myrtle’s neck, the Great Coral Reef?

At The Hospital - Greenlee asks Erica why she wants Mary to leave town. Erica, who has pulled up the collar of her shirt à la
Christiane Amanpour but still cannot manage to look smarter than a can of peas, responds by saying Greenlee should just go blow her nose.

Kendall tries to moderate the escalating confrontation but, come on, it’s Kendall, so it doesn’t go very far. You’d think wearing that mood dress might help her sort out the emotions in the room, but she’s oblivious to that, too, and decides this is the perfect time to present Erica with a business proposition.

Myrtle's Boarding House - Myrtle grabs Bianca’s book and gets ready to kick her ass.

Myrtle: "You were happy with Lena and you’re very unhappy without Lena. Now, that seems simple enough to me."

Oh Myrtle: I think you might be the only person on the planet whose judgment actually improves in direct correlation to alcohol intake.

Myrtle: "Take what the good Lord gave you and take it out there."

She's done that already with Cherry Grove Lesbian: I didn't like it and neither did Lena.  Bianca, stay home or go fix things!

Bianca: "Where?"
Myrtle: "Wherever you want to go."
Bianca: "I wouldn’t know where to start Myrtle."
Myrtle: "Oh, well: Lena is at S.O.S.."

She is? How does Myrtle know? Bianca looks pouty: I’m certain I’m supposed to identify with this, but I don’t! You make me cranky and I’m gonna stay cranky till I’m done. Pfft.

Bianca: "Is she on a date?"

What do you care? I thought you said you might see Kirsty/Kristy again: maybe Lena should forget about you, too, and start dating Simone. Or, Greenlee. Anyone but you!

The Maggie and Henry Corner - Yawn. Enough said. Unfortunately, no. Maggie is talking about Henry with Dr. Andersen; naturally, Henry is in the next booth and leans in to listen to the conversation which, as riveting as it is, still makes me want to go back to that "how many rocks are in that jar?" project I’ve got going. As soon as the Doc leaves, Henry makes his way over. He tells Maggie he’s moved out and is living at the YMCA.

Later, Maggie brings Henry to Myrtle’s to get a room, which he cannot afford, so Myrtle asks Maggie to vouch for him. She gives him a room in the back with a nice view of the roof next door.

S.O.S. - Lena is serving drinks. Why? Before I can even begin to speculate, the usual bar lush hits on her and says he could see her on the menu. Lena wonders whether that line has ever worked for him: the guy is honest enough to say that no, it never has.

No, really? But you’re so charming!


As Lena serves the next round of drinks, Bianca walks in and looks as puzzled as I am.  Once she’s approached the bar, the bartender asks what she wants and she asks for coffee. Lena recognizes her voice and swings around. I use the term "swing" loosely: that turn was hard enough to cause whiplash.

Lena: "Bianca!"

Bianca: "Hi."

And I giggle. ‘Cause it’s cute and I’m a sap.

The Hospital Interlude - This whole bit is a lot funnier if you imagine that Erica and Mary are dogs and Jack is a bush; Kendall and Greenlee are the thorns.

Mary and Greenlee watch as yet another mother-daughter moment reaches nirvana; Erica insists that all of them should leave as she is the only one who cares about Jackson. Kendall, who is still playing peace maker and really wishes she could get a shot at resolving the Palestinian/Israeli crisis or, at the very least, become a human shield - or is that my wish? - steps in and convinces Greenlee she should visit Jackson and try to smooth things over with Erica. Problem is, Erica overhears and forbids Greenlee from going into the ICU. Greenlee takes off, Kendall asks Erica about the production plant again and, finally, Kendall understands that Erica is not about to give her the chance to simply be her daughter. Kendall takes off and that leaves Mary and her rolling eyes.

Mary: "Oh, Erica, Erica: you can’t even handle your daughter: how are you going to handle mine?"

Hee, Mary makes me happy.

S.O.S. – Lena is on her break and is chatting with Bianca.

Bianca: "So, I thought you were working at Greenlee Enterprises."

Lena: "I am, I’m really enjoying it."

Bianca: "So, what are you doing here waiting tables?"

And why is that thing holding your hair back? And why is it poofing out in the back? What’s this, Soufflé Hair Day in Pine Valley?

Lena: "Well, my new job isn’t quite as prestigious as the one at Enchantment and the pay is very different."

That’s a likely scenario: a financial analyst who needs a second job.

Bianca: "This is about money?"

No, Bianca: Lena really wants to buy a B&B in Vermont and has decided she needs to learn the business from the ground up. 

Lena: "Partly, but I also like to keep busy."

Bianca: "When do you have time for yourself?"

No. No, no, no, no, no: the question is, "when will you have time to take me out on a date?"

Lena: "I don’t. But that’s not necessarily a bad thing right now."

Bianca: "I know what you mean." 

Yeah, Bianca can relate: all of this free time has cornered her into reading crappy books and fending off Myrtle’s advances.

Bianca: "How is your mom?"

Lena: "Oh, she’s very happy. She loves Chicago. I told her it’ll get cold in the winter and she said, ‘Oh good, I can finally wear my fur coat.’"

Oh great, now PETA is going to get on this show's a**.

Bianca: "So she’s planning to stay?"

Lena: "If we can afford it."

Bianca: "Which is why you’re working here. […] I mean, taking on an extra job so your mother can stay and be happy in Chicago: I admire that."

I admire good syntax, but do I ever get that on this show?

Lena turns away, but Bianca calls her back.

Bianca: "Hey! I like this side of you."

Which side is that? ‘Cause I’m liking the left one. And the right. And, hum, the middle.

TOMORROW ON AMC: Lots of stuff for a recaplet, plus a confrontation between Lena and Michael.


Commentary by "C"
Lena's waiting tables is just wrong, wrong, wrong on so many levels. So all of a sudden she needs money? What about the savings she and Binks were going to live on had they run off to Prague? What about the villa in Belgium where she used to stash MamaHPF? There is no way in h*** someone this smart, ruthless (well, prior to being rendered spinelessly schmoopy by luuurve), financially savvy and well-connected wouldn't have tidy sums tucked away in numbered accounts scattered throughout Switzerland and the Caymans, money she probably skimmed off Michael's deals over the years as well as what she's legitimately invested and arbitraged on her own. Nothing at all wrong with being a waitress -- it's just wrong for Lena; it's character assassination, d*****.

And what the h*** have they done with her hair?!? Her bobby-pinned bangs are skinned straight back so that they make an odd lump on the back of her head. Criminal, simply criminal. Small consolation: Lena looks good in the dark-cranberry-shirt-and-black-pants uniform of the SOS waitstaff, even with the apron.


This parody is by LizzieT.

Lena parts are indicated in red for those who only want a Lena fix

Stuart dropped by Fusion.
Mia: What are you doing here?
Stuart: I came to see Carlos. We're still trying desparately to bolster his storyline.
Mia: That's nice. Could you come by and bolster mine when you're through. I may not be as unpopular as Carlos but I'm not exactly setting the world on fire either.
Stuart: OK. Carlos, I've come to offer you a job.
Carlos: At the gallery?
Stuart: Yes. I'll even give you your own studio. Of course if by some chance you were mysteriously locked in that studio and never seen again...
Producer: STUART!
Stuart: Sorry. Think about it Carlos. It's not like any more acting jobs will be coming your way.

Meanwhile Tad came by to see Mia.
Tad: What was the meaning of the message you left me?
Mia: I was hoping we might have a storyline together. But Liza thinks it would be a bad idea. She's trying to protect me.
Tad: From me?
Mia: No, from her. She was really sorry the last time she threw me out of a window but that doesn't mean she won't do it again if I get in her way. She's determined to be in your storyline Tad.
Tad: I think I'll go home and hide.
Stuart: Mia, why are you so sad?
Mia: I just have such bad luck. Is there something wrong with me that turns men off?
Stuart: No, of course not. You're a lovely girl.
Mia: So you'd go out with me?
Stuart: Are you nuts? I may be simple minded but I have some standards.

Later Liza appeared at Tad's.
Liza: Let me in Tad. There's a group of angry villagers chasing me.
Tad: I think those are some of the Tad and Dixie fans.
Liza: Tad, I came to tell you to stay away from my sister. She's vulnerable and she doesn't need to be hurt.
Tad: What makes you think I would hurt her?
Liza: Who said anything about you?
Tad: You want me don't you?
Liza: Of course I do. Let's have some sexually suggestive dialogue. See how hot we could be together. We're practically giving off sparks.
Tad: I think those sparks are from the torches the angry villagers are carrying. It looks like they're getting ready to burn us at the stake.

Bianca was at the boarding house.
Myrtle: What are you reading?
Bianca: It's called "Am I Really in a Romance if I've Only Had One Onscreen Kiss". It's pretty interesting.
Myrtle: You shouldn't be wasting your time here Bianca. You need to go find Lena. She's at SOS.
Bianca: How do you know?
Myrtle: Beats me. I just read the lines. I gave up trying to make sense out of them years ago.
Maggie: Hi Myrtle. I brought Henry here to live with you.
Myrtle: Did you two have scenes already in this episode?
Maggie: Yes but Lizzie wasn't watching during her lunch hour today and she FF them. I don't know what we did.
Myrtle: I guess I could rent Henry a room. How long do you think he'll be here?
Maggie: Probably not long. I have a feeling the new writer will get rid of him pretty quickly.
Myrtle: From your lips to TPTB's ear.

Bianca found Lena at SOS.
Bianca: So you're working here now?
Lena: Yes. My new job doesn't pay that well. When you have corporate spy on your resume you just don't land the high dollar jobs.
Bianca: You're good at this. You handle the customers well. I'm impressed.
Lena: Thank you. The rich girl poor boy romance of Carlos and Greenlee hasn't worked out all that well so I think they're going to try a rich girl poor girl romance with us.
Bianca: Cool. One more thing to drive my mother crazy. She really won't like me dating a waitress.

Erica continued her vigil at the hospital.
Erica: No one sees Jack but me.
Kendall: Actually I didn't come to see Jack. I came to talk business.
Mary: Why don't you two talk business and I'll go in and see Jack? :::smirk:::
Erica: Why don't I put you in the next intensive care cubicle? :::hiss:::
Jack: Could you please keep it down out here? I could get more peace and quiet at the Valley Inn bar. Maybe that's why they released me so fast the last time I had surgery.
Mary: Greenlee dear, why don't you go in and see Jack? Here, take him this mystery novel to read.
Greenlee: Daddy's Little Girl?
Erica: Aaackkkk! You can't see Jack either - and go burn that book right now!
Nurse: Excuse me, I just came to give Mr. Montgomery his pain killers.
Erica: Forget it sweetie. If anyone kills his pain it's going to be me. Now back off before I get an Uzi.
Kendall: Would you at least listen to my business deal? If you let me use your factory I'll cut you in on the profits.
Erica: Isn't your company on the verge of bankruptcy?
Kendall: You're mean! Everyone else's mother would let us use their factory. :::pouts::::
Mary: Just think Erica. Next Thanksgiving it could be Kendall seated on your left and Greenlee seated on your right.
Erica: I think I'm going to throw up.
Greenlee: Hi Jack. I just came in to see you. I don't know why since I don't think we've ever really had a scene together in all these years.
Jack: That's nice. I heard you gave blood at the blood drive.
Greenlee: Yes but I doubt I was a match. They said your donor was probably a close relative like a daughter or something.
Jack: It must have been Bianca. But it's been nice chatting with you. We have kind of a nice chemistry don't you think - almost a father/daughter thing.
Greenlee: Yes. It's too bad we'll probably never be in the same storyline.


Bianca: Myrtle, you can always interrupt me. You know that.

Myrtle: You were happy with Lena. And you're very unhappy without Lena. Now, that seems simple enough to me.

Man: I didn't see you on the menu, sweet thing.
Lena: Does that line actually ever work for you?
Man: No.
Lena: I didn't think so.

Man: Hey, Svetlana, could I trouble your gorgeous self for another scotch?

Bianca: Do you get a break anytime soon?
Lena: I could take one now.

Greenlee: You can't stop me from talking to Jackson. He's in I.C.U., Erica, not protective custody.

Jack: How did you get past my guard?
Greenlee: Erica?
Jack: Yeah.
Greenlee: Oh, well, I told her I had to talk to you about Lena.
Jack: How's Lena’s job going at Greenlee Enterprises?
Greenlee: I don't know.
Jack: Okey-doke. Well, that covers that.


Annotated transcript by "C"

***** (clip b) [Myrtle instigates a conversation with Bianca (no Lena)]

[Myrtle's. A barefoot Binks, wearing a gray tank top and dark olive (very) shorts, clomps down the stairs into the living room, holding an open book in one hand and a coffee mug in the other. She sets her mug down on the coffee table and curls up on the sofa, tucking her left leg under her and extending her right across the seat cushions (showing us that Riegel has nice legs and kind of big feet), very absorbed in her book while Myrtle putters in the background. Myrtle comes up behind Binks, who with a rather disgruntled expression on her face closes the book and starts to set it aside]
Myrtle: Finally. [Binks looks up at Myrtle, sits up and shifts over to leave more room. Myrtle moves around to the end of the sofa to face Binks] I have been waiting for you to put that book down for the last hour.
[I find it hard to believe it would take more than ten minutes to read because it's a very slender book, about the thickness of a Dr. Seuss; and judging from where Binks was holding her place, she was only halfway through. Maybe it's full of self-affirmatory exercises à la Stuart Smalley. Maybe Binks is hooked on phonics]
Bianca: Oh, Myrtle, you can always interrupt me, you know that.
Myrtle: I know I can interrupt you but the point is, are you gonna listen?
Bianca: Well! That sounds kind of serious. What's on your mind?
Myrtle: [mock sternly] You. You are on my mind. [sits on the other side of the sofa] Sweetheart, you [places hand on Binks' knee] have a wonderful future ahead of you. I can't bear to see you wasting it like this.

***** (clip c) [Myrtle tells Bianca to find Lena...NOW (no Lena)]

Myrtle: Give me that. [takes book from Binks and looks at the cover] Self-help book. [puts it on the coffee table and turns to Binks, who's smiling sheepishly] And tell me, what is it you're looking for.
Bianca: Oh, you know. I'm looking for clues as to where I go wrong.
Myrtle: Oh. And what have you come up with so far?
Bianca: I fall too fast. I expect too much.
Myrtle: You were happy with Lena. And you're very unhappy without Lena. Now that seems simple enough to me.
Bianca: [ruefully] So what am I supposed to do, Myrtle, throw myself at her?
Myrtle: No, I don't suggest you throw yourself at anyone. But I don't want to turn yourself into a little ball and get lost. Take what the good Lord gave you and get it out there.
Bianca: [shifts in her seat, untucking her legs] Where?
Myrtle: Well, wherever you want to go.
Bianca: [shrugs] I wouldn't know where to start, Myrtle.
Myrtle: Oh. Well, um... Lena is at SOS. [now, how would Myrtle know that?]
Bianca: Is she on a date?
Myrtle: [gives Binks a long look and a smile, then smacks her on the knee] You got legs. Go and find out.
Bianca: [smiles and puts hand on Myrtle's shoulder]
Myrtle. Thank you.
Myrtle: [pats Binks' arm] For what?
Bianca: For what. [gets up and leaves, taking her book with her]

***** (clip d) [Bianca finds Lena working at SOS]

[SOS. Closeup of the bar. There's a folded napkin on an empty tray, onto which a pair of bartender hands deposits a glass of beer and something tall and reddish with a little blue umbrella; a second pair of much more slender hands reaches for the tray. Out to a medium shot of Lena picking up the tray and walking off.]
[Vaguely funky music bumps in the background as a montage of clips (with silly wipe transitions in between) shows the HPF at Work: Lena carries off the drinks from the beginning of the scene; Lena flips through a book of tickets, tears one off and folds it in half, then places it on a table in front of a Guy-on-a-Date Extra (the Girl-on-a-Date Extra looks extremely pleased to see her); Lena clears away a couple of empties from another table; Lena serves a Sad Drunk Extra at yet another table]
Sad Drunk Extra: [squinting up at Lena as she places his drink in front of him] I didn't see you on the menu, sweet thing.
Lena: [leans one hand on the back of the chair next to the SDE. Continuity error: the Couple-on-a-Date Extras walk by and head toward a table as if they had just arrived, even though Lena just gave them their check in the opening montage] Tell me, um... does that line actually ever work for you? [tilts head to one side]
SDE: No.
Lena: No, no, I didn't think so. Um, I'll be checking up on you later. Enjoy your drink. [smiles and shakes her head slightly as she walks over to the bar, putting her empty tray on it and leaning on her elbow]
Gil the Bartender: [points at the SDE and leans on bar across from her] You know, if that guy gives you a hard time --
Lena: [waves him off] Oh, I can handle him. [indicates a pair of drinks near Gil's elbow. One is red with a little green umbrella; the other is that poisonous Midori green that doesn't occur in nature, complete with little pink umbrella] Are those for me?
Gil: Yep. [transfers the drinks to Lena's tray] You're all set.
Lena: Thank you. [picks up tray. Binks enters and gets an eyeful of BadHairWaitress!Lena in action. Binks has changed and is now wearing nicely faded jeans and a black tightly fitting sleeveless top with a very deep V-neck. I totally want her bracelet, a wide substantial looking band of dullish gray metal (pewter?) on her right wrist. She watches as Lena takes the drinks over to the Couple-on-a-Date Extras (red for her, green for him; the Girl-on-a-Date Extra mouths, "Thank you very much." As she walks away, Lena passes the SDE]
SDE: [reaches out to grab Lena's left wrist; she's surprised but considerably less annoyed than I would have been] Hey, Svetlana, could I trouble your gorgeous self for another Scotch?
Lena: [extricates her wrist and somehow manages to not roll her eyes] Certainly, coming right up. [goes to bar. Wearily] Gil, another Scotch, please, lots of rocks. [drops tray and leans on bar facing away from Binks, whom she still hasn't seen]
Gil: You got it. [Lena blows out a long breath. Gil addresses Binks] Hey, what can I get you?
Bianca: Uh, just a coffee.
Lena: [starts and turns at the sound of Binks' voice, although her reaction seems a little too slow -- a rare technical misstep by Sosnovska] Bianca! [they gaze at each other awkwardly for a long moment]
Bianca: Hi. Do you get a break any time soon?
Lena: Oh! [looking around] I could, uh, I could take one now.
Bianca: Perfect.

***** (clip e) [Bianca and Lena chat at SOS]

Bianca: [as Gil sets down the coffee on top of a bar napkin] Thanks, Gil. [Binks slides the mug closer to her. They're now seated at the other side of the bar, a few feet apart, facing each other] Well, I thought you were working at Greenlee Enterprises. [I also thought it was called "Greenlee Investments." Come on, writers, stay awake]
Lena: I am, I-I'm really enjoying it.
Bianca: So... why are you here, waiting tables?
Lena: Well, my new job isn't quite as prestigious as the one at Enchantment and the pay is... very different.
Bianca: This is about money?
Lena: Well, partly, but I also like to keep busy. [leans right elbow on bar and props her chin in her hand]
Bianca: When do you have time for yourself?
Lena: I don't. [drops hand] But that's not necessarily a bad thing right now. [smiles]
Bianca: I know what you mean. How's your mom?
Lena: Oh, she's, um, she's very happy. She loves Chicago. I told her it gets very cold in the winter and she said, [intensifying her accent] "Oh, good, I can finally wear my [dramatic gesture] fur coats!"
[Maybe the furs were part of the spoils from Lena's PreviouslyEvil! days and MamaHPF couldn't wear them before because she couldn't take the chance of standing out while she was in hiding (it just doesn't get that cold in Belgium, except maybe in the Ardennes). I still don't see why they changed her backstory. Yes, it was a throwaway line and yes, we know Lena's default mode used to be lying, so it's possible to fanwank that she automatically made up something grander and more elaborate than the truth out of habit, but it's just not necessary. And it would make far more sense for Lena to have a high-maintenance übermodel mother who demanded a certain upscale lifestyle -- where's the motivation for all the scheming 'n' whoring if Mom's just a humble seamstress?]
Bianca: So she's planning to stay.
Lena: If we can afford it. [small shrug]
Bianca: Which is why you're working here. I-I, you know, I apologize, it's really none of my business.
Lena: [steps on Binks' line] No, no, no, it's okay. Probably seems pathetic. [yes, Lena, it does, but I blame the writers for this obviously contrived situation; it's not your fault]
Bianca: No, not at all. I mean, taking on an extra job so that your mother can stay and be happy in Chicago? I admire that.

***** (clip h) [Bianca likes this side of Lena]

Lena: All right, well, I'm cutting you off after this one. [sets down fresh drink for the SDE and picks up his empty glass]
SDE: Well, if you're worried about me driving home, you could always take me. What do you say?
Lena: [looks disinterestedly at the SDE as though studying a new specimen of beetle, then gives a little snorting laugh and sits down next to him. The SDE gazes at her adoringly as she leans in and lowers her voice] You know the saying, "The customer is always right"?
SDE: Yeah?
Lena: But, um... the customer isn't always my type. [the SDE's brow furrows. Lena smirks to herself as she goes back to the bar]
Gil: You are good. [laughs]
Bianca: [smiles, brushing hair behind her ear] You handled yourself pretty well over there.
Lena: Oh, he's harmless. [dismissive gesture]
Bianca: Hey. [Lena takes a step toward her, curious] I like this side of you. [Lena just smiles in reply]
SDE: [snockered] Hey, sweetheart, could I get my check?
Bianca: Mm. [Lena shoots a sardonic look at Binks, who smiles sympathetically] Go. [waves her hand] I'll wait for you. [Lena walks away, giving Binks a very warm sideways smile. End scene on Binks, smiling and looking thoughtful]


Unverified in non-clip parts

***** (clip a) [Previously on AMC: Bianca tells Lena that she won't let her hurt her again]

Previously on "All My Children"
Maggie: I trusted you and you left me hanging, and I -- I just can't forget that.
[amc030623a-inc starts]
Lena: I will never hurt you again, Bianca.
Bianca: You won't hurt me again because I won't let you.
[amc030623a-inc ends]
Greenlee: Erica is not going to cut you any favors.
Mary: Greenlee is Jack's daughter.

***** (clip b) [Myrtle instigates a conversation with Bianca (no Lena)]

[amc030623b starts]
Myrtle: Finally. I have been waiting for you to put that book down for the last hour.
Bianca: Oh, Myrtle, you can always interrupt me. You know that.
Myrtle: I know, I know I can interrupt you, but the point is, are you going to listen?
Bianca: Well, that sounds kind of serious. What's on your mind?
Myrtle: You. You are on my mind. Sweetheart, you have a wonderful future ahead of you. I can't bear to see you wasting it like this.

***** (clip c) [Myrtle tells Bianca to find Lena...NOW (no Lena)]

[amc030623c starts]
Myrtle: Now, give me that self-help book, and tell me, what is it you're looking for?
Bianca: Oh, you know. I'm looking for clues as to where I go wrong.
Myrtle: Oh. And what have you come up with so far?
Bianca: I fall too fast, I expect too much.
Myrtle: You were happy with Lena. And you're very unhappy without Lena. Now, that seems simple enough to me.
Bianca: So, what am I supposed to do, Myrtle, throw myself at her?
Myrtle: No, I don't suggest you throw yourself at anyone. But I don't want you to turn yourself into a little ball and get lost. Take what the good Lord gave you and -- and get it out there!
Bianca: Where?
Myrtle: Well, wherever you want to go.
Bianca: I wouldn't know where to start, Myrtle.
Myrtle: Oh. Well -- um -- Lena is at S.O.S.
Bianca: Is she on a date?
Myrtle: You got legs. Go and find out.
Bianca: Myrtle, thank you.
Myrtle: For what?
Bianca: Oh -- "for what."

***** (clip d) [Bianca finds Lena working at SOS]

[amc030623d starts]
Man: I didn't see you on the menu, sweet thing.
Lena: Yum-yum -- does that line actually ever work for you?
Man: No.
Lena: No, no, I didn't think so. I'll be checking up on you later. Enjoy your drink.
Gil: You know, if that guy gives you a hard time --
Lena: Oh, I can handle him. Are those for me?
Gil: Yep.
Lena: Ok.
Gil: Yeah, you're all set.
Lena: Thank you.
Man: Hey, Svetlana, could I trouble your gorgeous self for another scotch?
Lena: Certainly. Coming right up. Gil, another scotch, please, lots of rocks.
Gil: You got it. Hey, what can I get you?
Bianca: Just a coffee.
Lena: Bianca.
Bianca: Hi. Do you get a break anytime soon?
Lena: Oh, I could take one now.
Bianca: Perfect.

***** (clip e) [Bianca and Lena chat at SOS]

[amc030623e starts]
Bianca: Thanks, Gil. So, I thought you were working at Greenlee Enterprises.
Lena: I am. I'm really enjoying it.
Bianca: So why are you here waiting tables?
Lena: Well, my new job isn't quite as prestigious as the one at Enchantment, and the pay is very different.
Bianca: This is about money?
Lena: Well, partly, but I also like to keep busy.
Bianca: When do you have time for yourself?
Lena: I don’t. But that's not necessarily a bad thing right now.
Bianca: I know what you mean. How's your mom?
Lena: Oh, she's -- she's very happy. She loves Chicago. I told her it gets very cold in the winter and she said, "oh, good, I can finally wear my fur coats."
Bianca: So she's planning to stay?
Lena: If we can afford it.
Bianca: Which is why you're working here. I -- you know, I apologize. It's really none of my business.
Lena: No, no, it's ok. Probably seems pathetic.
Bianca: No, not at all. I mean, taking on an extra job so that your mother can stay and be happy in Chicago? I admire that.

***** (clip f) [Greenlee tries to get to Jackson through Erica and mentions Lena (no Lena)]

Greenlee: You can't stop me from talking to Jackson. He's in I.C.U., Erica, not protective custody.
Erica: Yes, protective custody, Greenlee. Doctor's orders.
Greenlee: Well, this is official business. I need to talk to him about the case against Michael Cambias.
Erica: Not now, Greenlee.
Greenlee: I'm the one who got Lena Kundera the job that kept her from being deported. I imagine she's going to be the star witness at his trial.
Erica: Well, pat yourself on the back some other time. Jackson cannot deal with his caseload right now.
Greenlee: Why do you get to decide everything, hmm?

***** (clip g) [Greenlee talks with Jackson and talks about Lena (no Lena)]

Greenlee: So, you don't look too bad, considering.
Jack: Well, thank you. I'll take that as a compliment. How did you get past my guard?
Greenlee: Erica?
Jack: Yeah.
Greenlee: Oh, well, I told her I had to talk to you about Lena.
Jack: Ah. How's Lena’s job going at Greenlee Enterprises?
Greenlee: I don't know.
Jack: Okey-doke. Well, that covers that, I guess, huh?
Greenlee: Yeah, yeah.
Jack: Ahem. You know, your mom's been hanging around here quite a bit.
Greenlee: Yeah, I think she's trying to work out some bad pool boy karma thing, I think.
Jack: Bad pool boy karma --
Greenlee: Yeah.
Jack: Really?
Greenlee: Yeah. Yeah, I mean, it's weird. She's been all over me about donating.
Jack: Oh, yeah, speaking of which -- thanks. Thanks for doing that, Greenlee.
Greenlee: You're welcome. But from what I hear, your match was most likely a family member or something.
Jack: Really? Well, I guess it would be Bianca, then.
Greenlee: Anything for her uncle Jack.
Jack: Yeah.
Greenlee: Think now you'll have the same taste in women?
Jack: Greenlee.
Greenlee: What?

***** (clip h) [Bianca likes this side of Lena]

[amc030623h starts]
Lena: Right. Well, I'm cutting you off after this one.
Man: Well, if you're worried about me driving home, you could always take me. What do you say?
Lena: You know the saying "the customer's always right"?
Man: Yeah?
Lena: But the customer isn't always my type.
Gil: You are good.
Bianca: You handled yourself pretty well over there.
Lena: Oh, he's harmless.
Bianca: Hey. I like this side of you.
Man: Hey, sweetheart, can I get my check?
Bianca: Hmm. Go. I'll wait for you.

***** (clip i) [Next on AMC: Lena asks Michael if he's threatening Bianca]

On the next "All My Children"
Kenny: I want to marry you, Simone.
[amc030623i-inc2 starts]
Lena: Are you threatening Bianca?
[amc030623i-inc2 ends]
David: Isn't this little outing short a couple of people? Where's Aidan and Mia?
Liza: You're still the same insolent little child that you were in high school.
Tad: That's right, baby, I still got it. You loved it then and you love it now.


I have the following clips (incompletes are marked "inc"):
amc030623a-inc.mpg (2.3m; 0:13) Previously on AMC: Bianca tells Lena that she won't let her hurt her again
amc030623b.mpg (11.3m; 1:06) Myrtle instigates a conversation with Bianca (no Lena)
amc030623c.mpg (14.4m; 1:24) Myrtle tells Bianca to find Lena...NOW (no Lena)
amc030623d.mpg (13.8m; 1:21) Bianca finds Lena working at SOS
amc030623e.mpg (12.6m; 1:14) Bianca and Lena chat at SOS
amc030623h.mpg (9.4m; 0:55) Bianca likes this side of Lena
amc030623i-inc2.mpg (423k; 0:02) Next on AMC: Lena asks Michael if he's threatening Bianca

The above described clips can also be found on my shared folder on AIM (http://www.aim.com to download). My user name on AIM is kymtaborn. E-mail me with your AIM user name (ktaborn@lightspeed.net) and I will give you access to the shared folder. When you have access, you can right click my user name on your buddy list and then click on get file. That should get you into the shared folder. If you have problems, then tweak your firewall. The downloads are slow because it has to go through the AIM filter AND often there are a lot of people downloading along with you. I apologize for the slow speed but this is the only way that I can distribute the clips at this time.

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