Whoosh! Sosnovska asks Menard to look over her contract and to help her find a way to break it
Boyd eagerly checks out Lena's
itinerary for her and Bianca's trip

Lena Kundera

July 10, 2003

(Lena appearance)
Last update: 12/19/03

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Lena Kundera (Olga Sosnovska)
Bianca Montgomery
Boyd Larraby
Michael Cambias
Myrtle Fargate
David Hayward


Lena comes back to Myrtles and show's Boyd the Prague trip itinerary; Bianca comes back and hallucinates that Lena is Michael Cambias.


From The Official Site at ABC.com:

David encounters Bianca in the park and realizes something is deeply troubling her. Bianca can't bring herself to confide in David. Bianca returns home and is horrified to see "Michael," who embraces her. Bianca realizes that "Michael" is really Lena, who is startled when Bianca pushes her away.

From About All My Children

Boyd opens the door to Lena and a uniformed police officer. Lena says good morning and asks if Bianca is up yet? Boyd hasn’t seen her yet this morning, but Lena and the officer are welcome to wait down here for her. Officer Morrison introduces himself and Lena explains that he is the officer assigned to watch her back. Boyd laughs that’s very nice—where can he sign up for a job like that? Lena asks if he heard that Michael Cambias made bail and Boyd says yes, it’s all over the news. When she asks if there’s been any sign of him around here, Boyd thinks this is the last place Cambias is going to show his face.

Lena shows Boyd their travel itinerary, pending Bianca’s approval, of course. He reads off Prague, Vienna and Stuttgart, saying that’s pretty ambitious. Lena smiles that’s just for starters! Then they’ll head for Paris and maybe a little villa in the South of France. Boyd thinks it sounds perfect and Lena agrees it will be amazing. She tells him Bianca makes her so happy—she doesn’t even know what her life was like before she was in it! She laughs that she’s pouring her heart out to him, and calls upstairs for Bianca, “Lazybones”, to come down! Myrtle comes out of the kitchen and says Bianca is not upstairs. When Lena asks if she knows where she is, Myrtle says it’s a mystery! She went up this morning with fresh towels; the bed was made, she was gone and it was pretty early. Lena laughs that she’s yapping to Boyd and Bianca isn’t even here, “Where could she be so early?” Boyd teases that maybe while she was yapping to him, Bianca’s off planning her own little trip to Paradise.

Bianca lets herself into Myrtle’s house and slowly looks around, reliving with every glance her desperate fight to get out and away from Michael. Suddenly she hears his voice, “There you are!” and cringes as Cambias pulls her into a hug. Lena says that finally she came back to her! She missed her so much and wanted to spend the night last night, “I left you a note—did you find it?” She laughs and looks at the buttons on Bianca’s shirt and says she must have been in some hurry this morning. As she reaches for her, Bianca cries, “No, don’t touch me!”

From Soap Slut

Pick up with Boyd (!) and Lena discussing Lena's new bodyguard at Myrtle's. Boyd jokes that he'd like to sign up for a job like that. Yeah, I don't think any of us would object to seeing him in uniform, either ... Ahem. Though he does have way too much product in his hair today. Anyway, Lena brings up the whole *sshole Got Bailed Out thing and wonders if he's been by Myrtle's. Boyd's certain that *sshole wouldn't dare show his face around that place. Sigh. If only.

Bianca's still sitting on a bench in the park, hugging herself. "Do you mind if I share this bench?" comes an all-too -familiar voice as *sshole appears beside her.

Bianca jumps up and shouts for him to stay away from her. "Okay, okay, jeez. You can have the whole bench to yourself," the guy replies -- obviously, it's not *sshole, it's some random businessman. Bianca stares after him, shaken...

Some "jogging" jack*ss couple is fooling around in the park in the "let me go!" and "make me" sense. Bianca has a flashback in slow-motion of *sshole dragging her away from the door. The losers run off again, and a hand descends on Bianca's shoulder. "Get your hands off me!" she shouts, but turns to see that it's only David. Poor, poor Bianca.

David starts to apologize but Bianca's also shocked and sorry. He wonders if she's okay. She feebly explains that she thought he was someone else -- some guy who'd been harrassing her earlier -- and waves off his offer to call the police. He sits with her, concerned about how out of it she seems. She claims that it's just a personal thing, not about a fight with anyone or anything like that. David brings up the time when he and Erica were an item (one more thing I'd gladly have never thought of again) and how he and Bianca used to be good friends. He's still there for her, if she needs him. She laughs bitterly that it doesn't matter; life goes on no matter what's happened. David's sympathetic, launching into his own experience. Bianca apologizes for Leora, and asks him how he manages to get out of bed in the morning knowing that the unthinkable happened. He sighs that he still wakes up sometimes thinking it was all a bad dream, that everything's still normal and okay. I've got to admit, this is a scene with David in it, and it's still touching. I'm impressed. Bianca chimes in that no matter how hard you try to block out what happened, you can't change that it did, or erase it. David snaps out of his own self-pity and again offers to listen to whatever's happened to Bianca. She brushes him off, because she needs to deal with this alone.

Lena's sharing with Boyd the itinerary she's worked up for her trip to Europe with Bianca. It sounds fantastic. Take me, Lena! Me! Sorry. Lena's all giggly and adorable with Boyd when Myrtle turns up, informing them both that Bianca isn't sleeping upstairs -- she's been gone since very early this morning. Boyd suggests that Bianca might also be off planning a trip to paradise with Lena.

Of course she's not doing anything of the sort. She's excusing herself from David, leaving to get back to Myrtle's before she's missed. David watches sadly as some lady pushes a stroller past him...

Bianca lets herself into Myrtle's. Everything's quiet; no one's around. She flashes back to *sshole almost everywhere she looks, flinching and beginning to freak out. "There you are," comes a voice, and again it's *sshole's. He hugs her tight as she looks shocked...

Lena's voice shocks Bianca back to reality as she realizes it was her girlfriend hugging her. Lena continues to chatter excitedly, but Bianca jumps back when Lena reaches for her.


This all gay recap is by C.K..
Read all the All Gay Re-caps at http://groups.yahoo.com/group/TheAllGayRecap/.

Coming whenever C.K. sends it to me. I am looking so forward to it. A day without CK's recap is like a day without sunshine. I need my vitamin E, you know. We all do. Yes, I must contain my anticipation. But it's sooo hard.


This parody is by LizzieT.

Over at Fusion the girls were still discussing the bet.
Simone: I don't know if we can trust you Greenlee.
Greenlee: What do you mean?
Simone: Carlos probably still has feelings for you. It looks like you might still have feelings for him. How do we know you won't get back together with Carlos and win the bet? ::::pause:::::
Fusion girls: Bwahahahahahahahahahahahaha!
Mia: :::wipes eyes::::Simone, you crack me up.
Greenlee: That was a good one all right.
Carlos: Hmmmmph!
Greenlee: What's he doing here? I thought he was out of my storyline for good. My agent promised.
Simone: He's still our handyman.
Greenlee: Noooooo! I'm going to take care of that right away.
Mia: Are you going to call the building supervisor?
Greenlee: No, I'm calling the casting director. I'm not taking any chances here.
Liza: What's going on here?
Mia: We're just talking about our bet. The Fusion girls are competing to see who can land their own sexiest man.
Liza: Can I play too?
Mia: Of course not. We've told you and told you. We'll let you hang out at the office and pay our bills but you can't be a Fusion girl.
Liza: That's not fair.
Mia: Maybe not but we don't want you involved in our bet. We don't want the angry villagers turning on us too.

Maria and Edmund were in bed at Wildwind.
Maria: Aren't we just so blissfully happy you can't stand it?
Edmund: Yes. We might not have a storyline right now but they can still pop us in occasionally as a subtle contrast with David and Anna's unhappiness.
Maria: If this is subtle I'd hate to see what they'd do if they wanted to be obvious.
Edmund: Let's have some suggestive dialogue about what's under the sheets and then go on a sweet little picnic in the park.
Maria: OK. I may have a little trouble with suggestive dialogue though. I spent so much time with the spotted dick.

Later, at the sweet little picnic in the park....
Maria: Look what I brought - Chinese food. I wanted to recreate one of the most special times in our relationship.
Edmund: How adorable. And look, I brought you a present.
Maria: How sweet. A giant medical textbook that you somehow hid under this bush without me even noticing. You're so romantic it makes my stomach hurt.
Edmund: My stomach hurts too.
Maria: :::giggle::::I know. I left the Chinese food out of the refrigerator overnight. I wanted today to be just like it was years ago - except this time we'll both have food poisoning.
Edmund: How romantic. Just the two of us puking our guts out.
Maria: Maybe not just the two of us. There are some fans out there that don't like us very much.

Tad was surprised to find Anna at the cabin.
Tad: What are you doing here? Did you come to arrest David?
Anna: Why would I want to arrest David?
Tad: Oh I don't know - assault, false imprisonment, terroristic threatening of a minor child.
Anna: You Yanks are so picky. David and I had a jolly long talk about everything and he's going to behave from now on.
Tad: I can't believe you're falling for him again. You should walk away and never look back.
Anna: And you expect me to take romantic advice from a man who has a crowd of angry villagers trailing along after him?

Later Mia was somewhere with a car. I don't know why. I must have dozed off.
Mia: Oh look, there's a car. I wonder if there's a sexy man under it.
Aidan: Ello Mia. Ow are yew?

Tad arrived at Fusion.
Tad: What do you need Liza?
Liza: When I'm through with you you'll be on your knees.
Tad: That's good. Then maybe I'll be safe when the angry villagers start throwing bricks through the window.

Simone chased after Carlos.
Simone: Carlos wait. Don't go. You're too hot for me to lose. Rub my leg and I'll do my audition for an Herbal Essence commercial.
Carlos: What's going on?
Simone: I need the "Carlos is hot" bonus. I'm short on the rent money this week. Ohhhhhh Carlos!


Boyd: Believe me, this is the last place Cambias is going to want to show his face.

David: You know, there are still those moments, those few precious seconds at the beginning of each day when you're lying there in bed and you're not fully conscious. You just take a deep breath. You hope that the whole thing is just one -- one terrible nightmare. That Leora is still lying in her cradle, dreaming those dreams that babies dream, and then I rub my eyes, and I look around, and I realize it's not a dream, that I’m all alone, and this is hell.

Lena: I don't even know what my life was like before she was in it.

Lena: Finally, you came back to me. I missed you so much. I wanted to spend the night last night. I left you a note. Did you find it? Bianca, look at these buttons. You must have been in some hurry this morning.
Bianca: No, don't touch me.


Unverified in non-clip parts

***** (clip a) [Lena and Boyd discuss Michael out on bail]

[amc030710a starts]
Lena: Boyd. Good morning.
Boyd: Hey.
Lena: Is Bianca up yet?
Boyd: Actually, I haven't seen her yet this morning, but you're welcome to wait for her down here. You, too, Officer, uh --
Officer: Morrison, sir.
Lena: I'm sorry. Officer Morrison has been assigned to watch my back.
Boyd: Oh, very nice. Where do I sign up for a job like that?
Lena: You heard Michael Cambias made bail?
Boyd: Yeah, it's all over the news.
Lena: Any sign of him around here?
Boyd: Are you kidding me? Believe me, this is the last place Cambias is going to want to show his face.

***** (clip b) [Bianca has her first Michael hallucination in the park (no Lena)]

[amc020610b starts]
Michael: You mind if I share this bench?
Bianca: No. No.

***** (clip c) [Bianca realizes it is a hallucination (no Lena)]

[amc030710c starts]
Bianca: No, no, don't come near me. Just get out of here. Just stay away from me!
Man: Ok, ok. Jeez. Don't have an attack. You can have the whole bench to yourself.

***** (clip d) [Joggers in park freak out Bianca (no Lena}]

[amc030710d starts]
Man: Hey, Cindy, wait up.
Cindy: Eat my dust, loser.
Man: Who you calling loser?
Cindy: Let me go.
Man: Make me.
Bianca's voice: Let me go!
Michael: Whoa, whoa. It's ok.
Man: Last one home gets dinner.
Cindy: Uh-huh.
[someone puts his hand on her shoulder]
Bianca: Get your hands off of me!
[It's David Hayward]

***** (clip e) [Bianca and David discuss the death of Leora (no Lena)]

[amc030710e starts]
David: Bianca, I --
Bianca: David. Oh, my God, I'm so sorry.
David: Are you all right?
Bianca: Yeah, I -- I thought you were somebody else.
David: Who?
Bianca: This guy -- um, this guy was hassling me before.
David: Well, who was it? I'll call the police.
Bianca: No. No, no, no. It's ok, it's ok. He's gone. Um, there's nothing that the police can do.
David: You look like you've been up all night.
Bianca: Oh. Um, yeah. I've had something on my mind, I guess.
David: Well, did you and Erica have a falling-out or something?
Bianca: No. No, no, no, no, it has nothing to do with Mom or anybody. It's -- it's just me.
David: Hmm. You remember when Erica and I were seeing each other? You and I became pretty good friends at that time.
Bianca: Yeah, I remember.
David: I'm still here, Bianca. If something's bothering you and you feel like you need to confide in someone --
Bianca: No. Um -- what does it matter, anyway? I mean, whatever happens, the sun still comes out in the morning, right? Life goes on, with or without you.
David: Yeah, I've been asking myself that same question lately -- how can my whole world have fallen apart and the world just continues on like it's just any other day?
Bianca: Oh, God, David. I'm sorry about Leora.
David: Yeah.
Bianca: How do you do it? When the unthinkable happens, how do you get out of bed in the morning?
David: You know, there are still those moments, those few precious seconds at the beginning of each day when you're lying there in bed and you're not fully conscious. You just take a deep breath. You hope that the whole thing is just one -- one terrible nightmare. That Leora is still lying in her cradle, dreaming those dreams that babies dream, and then I rub my eyes, and I look around, and I realize it's not a dream, that I’m all alone, and this is hell.
Bianca: And it hits you that it really happened, and you can't erase it and you can't undo it, no matter how tightly you shut your eyes.
David: Bianca, whatever this is, whatever's brought you to this place, you can tell me. It might feel better just to say it.
Bianca: No, David, it's -- it's fine. I'm -- I need to work this out on my own.
David: You don't have to.
Bianca: Yeah. Yeah, I do.

***** (clip f) [Lena shows Boyd the trip itinerary]

[amc030710f starts]
Lena: Thank you. This is our itinerary, pending Bianca’s approval, of course.
Boyd: Hmm. Prague, Vienna, Stuttgart. Pretty ambitious.
Lena: That's just for starters. Then we're heading to Paris and then a wee little villa in the south of France.
Boyd: Well, it sounds perfect.
Lena: Well, it's going to be amazing. Bianca makes me feel so -- oh, I don't know. Really, I don't even know what my life was like before she was in it. Oh, what am I doing pouring my heart out to you? Bianca? Hey, lazy bones!
Myrtle: Lena? Oh, Lena, darling, Bianca is not upstairs.
Lena: Oh, Myrtle, hello. Do you know where she is?
Myrtle: Well, it's a mystery. I went up this morning to give her fresh towels, and the bed was made, and she was gone, and it was pretty early.
Lena: Hmm. Well, here I am, yapping on about Bianca to Boyd, and she's not even here. Where could she be? It's so early.
Boyd: Well, maybe while you were spending all this time yapping to me -- thank you very much -- she's off planning her own little trip to paradise.

***** (clip g) [Bianca says goodbye to David (no Lena)]

[amc030710g starts]
Bianca: I should get back to Myrtle's before somebody misses me.
David: All right. But, I mean, you know my numbers. If you need anything, just contact me, all right?
Bianca: Oh, thank you, David. No, I'm fine. Bye.

***** (clip h) [Bianca hallucinates Michael again (no Lena)]

[amc030710h starts]
[Bianca returns to Myrtle's and has a flashback]
[Door rattles]
Michael: Whoa, whoa, whoa.
Bianca: Let me go!
Michael: It's ok.
Bianca's voice: Get out!
Michael: Like h*** I will!
[Bianca hallucinates Michael again]
MIchael: There you are.
[Michael comes over smiling and hugs her]

***** (clip i) [Bianca is freaked by Lena touching her]

[amc030710i starts]
[Michael is actually Lena]
Lena: Finally, you came back to me. I missed you so much. I wanted to spend the night last night. I left you a note. Did you find it? Bianca, look at these buttons. You must have been in some hurry this morning.
Bianca: No, don't touch me.

***** (clip j) [PSA about rape hotline by Eden Reigel (no Lena)]

[amc030710j starts]
Eden Riegel: If you're sexually assaulted, reach out for help. Don't try to go it alone like Bianca. The national sexual assault hotline at 1-800-656-hope offers free and confidential counseling. They know what you're going through, and they can help.


I have the following clips (incompletes are marked "inc"):
amc030710a.mpg (5.6m; 0:33) Lena and Boyd discuss Michael out on bail
amc030710b.mpg (5.5m; 0:32) Bianca has her first Michael hallucination in the park (no Lena)
amc030710c.mpg (1.9m; 0:11) Bianca realizes it is a hallucination (no Lena)
amc030710d.mpg (4.7m; 0:27) Joggers in park freak out Bianca (no Lena}
amc030710e.mpg (37.6m; 3:41) Bianca and David discuss the death of Leora (no Lena)
amc030710f.mpg (12.5m; 1:13) Lena shows Boyd the trip itinerary
amc030710g.mpg (3.8m; 0:22) Bianca says goodbye to David (no Lena)
amc030710h.mpg (12.2m; 1:11) Bianca hallucinates Michael again (no Lena)
amc030710i.mpg (3.4m; 0:20) Bianca is freaked by Lena touching her
amc030710j.mpg (3.5m; 0:21) PSA about rape hotline by Eden Reigel (no Lena)

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