Whoosh! Lena is cited by the fashion police for an underage schoolgirl look by an overage corporate shark
Lena is visited in the
jailhouse by you-know-who

Lena Kundera

November 7, 2003

(Lena appearance)
Last update: 11/21/03

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Lena Kundera (Olga Sosnovska)
Derek Frye
Justin McCoy
Kendall Hart
Ryan Lavery
Bianca Montgomery
Maggie Stone
Jackson Montgomery


Lena swears on her mother's life that she did not shoot Michael and tells the cops that she threw the gun in the river; Bianca starts initiating some looks at Lena; Ryan tries to get the police to let Lena go but is unsuccessful; the police tell Kendall that if she says that her marriage ti Michael was a scam, they will let Lena go; Kendall states that she was indeed married to Michael; Lena gets her rights read to her and is arrested for the murder of Michael Cambias; Bianca tells her as she is taken away that "We'll get through this"; the police decide to dredge the lake for Lena's gun; Bianca visits Lena in jail. Next on AMC: Bianca tells Lena that Michael is not gone from her


From The Official Site at ABC.com:

Lena denies to Derek, Justin and Jack that she shot Michael...Kendall is conflicted when she learns that if she admits she lied about marrying Michael, Lena would be cleared of the attempted murder charge. Kendall sticks to her story, insisting she and Michael were married in Las Vegas...Bianca visits a jailed Lena...

From About All My Children

Derek and Justin press Lena to confess to buying the gun and killing Michael. She admits to wanting him dead, but swears on her mother’s life she didn’t shoot him. Jack tells them to back off, but they persist in asking why she bought the gun? Lena calls it protection; she was taking a huge risk sneaking into Michael’s condo! Derek doesn’t believe her, and asks for the gun so ballistics tests can be run. Lena sighs she doesn’t have the gun; that night, she took it down to the docks and threw it in the river...

Kendall wordlessly goes into his [Ryan] arms, and he holds her for just a moment before she pulls away. She says she’s not the one to worry about, because Lena came forward and confessed. She admitted to putting poison in the allergy pills in the hope Michael would take them. Ryan’s sorry Mikey didn’t take a handful. As Kendall says they’ve got to help Lena, Bianca comes up and says she’s so glad Ryan is all right, and Lena didn’t mean for any of this to happen. She implores, “If there’s any way you can help her out, please, please do it.”

Justin wants to know why she’d toss out a gun she just bought if she wasn’t ditching evidence of a crime? Lena says she grew up near a military installation, and guns have always made her very nervous. It was protection against Michael; once she didn’t need it any more, she threw it away. Jack thinks it makes sense to him! Justin asks if she tried to kill herself because she couldn’t live with all the horrible things she’d done to Michael Cambias? Ryan comes through the door and tells them he’s back from the undead, and why don’t they give the lady a break, chalk his hospital stay up to a few bad clams and let it go? He threatens calling a press conference, but Derek retorts the charges don’t revolve around him! Justin agrees she’s facing prison time for the attempted murder of Michael Cambias, her intended victim. Lena tells Ryan she’s so sorry, but he kisses her hand and says anybody who’s got the guts to try and wipe Michael Cambias off this planet is his kind of hero. He looks at the “Who Killed Michael Cambias?” board and notes they need a bigger board; he’s done some investigation of his own, and turned up a shiny new suspect. He hands Derek something he had e-mailed, and tells Lena, “Don’t worry, sweetheart, this should get them off your case.” Jack reads that, according to this, a woman in Milan agreed not to press rape charges against Michael Cambias in exchange for a large sum of money. Ryan thinks this proves Cambias had enemies all over the planet. He picks up the phone book and says this is their new list of suspects, “Just find every phone directory from every city Michael Cambias dirtied by breathing its air.”

He writes his name on the board and suggests they add him to the list, but Jack says he was in Vegas when Michael was murdered. Ryan laughs they haven’t made a righteous bust since they pulled him in here 5 years ago, but Derek says even if someone in Cambias’ past hated him enough to pull the trigger, that doesn’t wipe out the charges of attempted murder against Miss Kundera.

Jack thinks he’s wrong; he’ll never have a strong case against Lena until he can pinpoint Michael’s time of death. If Michael died in the hours before Lena put the poison in those capsules, he has nothing to charge her with. Ryan agrees, because you can’t have the intent to kill somebody that’s already dead. Justin argues if she didn’t know… Jack insists it doesn’t matter; if Michael ceased breathing before Lena put the poison in his allergy capsules, they have no case and have to set her free. Ryan thinks it’s time for these bozos to nail down the exact time Mikey bought it, and Derek says he may have a way to do that. He goes to Kendall and says Lena got the charges against her dropped—how about if she returns the favor? All she has to do to save her b*** is to admit her marriage was one big lie!

Kendall thinks Ryan set this up and it’s still about the money. Derek tells her to forget him! If Michael was still breathing when she says she married him, then Lena is guilty of attempted murder, but if her story is bogus… Lena and Jack tells Kendall not to say anything, but Bianca says Kendall told her she married him and she believed her, so was she lying to her? Kendall says no, she was telling her the truth! Justin thinks talk is cheap, and some evidence would be nice. Kendall exclaims she has a witness right here—Maggie saw her leave the condo with Michael the night they left for Las Vegas! Derek thinks it would have been nice if Maggie told them that. Maggie cannot believe Kendall is doing this, and Justin asks if she saw Kendall with Cambias that night? Maggie saw two figures in the shadows, and heard Kendall’s voice; the other voice could have been Michael’s, but she couldn’t be sure. Kendall tells Lena she’s sorry about this, but she married Michael and nothing’s going to change that. Lena insists she doesn’t blame her. Derek reads Lena her rights, and Bianca promises her everything is going to be fine. Lena is led away, and Kendall tells Bianca she’s so sorry, but they’re still sisters and she’s going to keep her secret, no matter what. Bianca agrees they are still sisters and she loves her, but she makes it really difficult sometimes! Kendall insists she’s completely on Lena’s side, and she’s going to beat this! She offers a great lawyer and whatever help she can give, but Ryan thinks she’s helped enough. He tells Bianca he’d be happy to spring for anything Lena needs. Justin again taunts Kendall, and she leaves the station.

Bianca says Lena loves her enough to have tried to kill Michael, and Maggie thinks she had the guts to do what most of them were all too cowardly to do. Bianca insists none of them are cowards, and right now they have to do whatever it takes to help Lena. Jack intends to ask the judge for a nominal bail, as Lena’s not a public menace; she has friends and will be bailed out before the paperwork’s even processed. Derek notes that usually the D.A.’s office works closely with the police department, but Jack insists they have no physical evidence linking Lena to Michael’s murder. Any good lawyer would argue she made her statement under duress, and this is one time he agrees with Ryan. Derek’s playing Pin The Tail On Any Suspect, and if he’s using his love for his niece as sole criteria for murder, “You go ahead and try to pin that tail on me!” He angrily leaves the office, and Justin writes his name on the investigation board. Derek says this ain’t right! Justin reminds him they’ve been using Jack’s name as a suspect for weeks, but Derek says that doesn’t mean he’s got to jump for joy. Justin wants the inventory list for the evidence room on August 28th, but Derek says that can wait—his first order of business is to have the river dragged for Lena’s gun. Justin repeats that Officer O’Neill told them Jack was in the evidence room the night of Michael Cambias’ hearing. He knows that doesn’t sound like Jack, and thinks they should at least know why.

Jack tells Bianca he’s going to do his best to hurry Lena’s arraignment along, and promises Lena won’t go to prison if he has anything to say about it. Bianca knew she could count on him, but she has one more favor to ask. Derek watches as they leave the room, and tells Justin he’ll have his evidence room inventory now.

Lena is overjoyed to see Bianca has come to visit her in the holding cell.

Bianca tells Lena that Michael isn’t gone for her...

From Soap Slut

Lena says that she bought the gun to protect herself if *sscicle came home unexpectedly while she was fucking with his pills. Tarzek wants to see the gun. Lena doesn’t have it anymore, she chucked it into the river. Right next to Kendall’s lighter.

Holy, holy h***, what is Maggie wearing? And will I ever stop being surprised by it? It’s peach with some sort of pattern, has red trim, paisley-checked white sleeves and looks kimono-like. Hey, remember when I had corneas? Weren’t those fun times? So anyway, Bianca worries to her about Lena and that does it for their scene...

Kendall extracts herself from Ryan’s hug and tells him that she doesn’t need his help anyway. It’s Lena who is in the hotseat now. Bianca drags Maggie up with her and wants him to help Lena. This is fluffing at its finest because really. What can Ryan do? Absolutely nothing.

Lena denies tossing the gun because it was evidence. She says she grew up in a Cold War communist nation and doesn’t like guns so once it had served its purpose, she deep sixed it. Jack thinks it makes sense. Tarzek isn’t surprised. Now they want to delve into her attempted suicide reasoning, this time trying to get her to say it was from a guilty conscience about what she’d done to *sscicle. Lena rolls her eyes right along with me because one: no one HAS a guilty conscience about murdering *sscicle, that much is obvious. And two: this is such a gross violation of her civil rights. No lawyer and all this bullying. She should confess to every crime under the sun because nothing she says means s***.

Ryan bursts into the Tarzek office with no other purpose than to interrupt and chew scenery. He’s supposed to be helping but like I said before, he can’t. Not unless he’s a lawyer. Lena apologizes to Ryan about the pills but he says that’s not necessary since their intended purpose was for such a good cause. Tarzek tries to kick him out but he won’t go and instead marvels at the Big White Board of Suspects, “You need a bigger board.” Can’t argue with THAT. (For the record, the suspects on it are Kendall, Lena, David, Erica and Reggie.) Tarzek asks him why he’s bringing it up, so Ryan hands over an email he’d gotten from the Cambias lawyers...

The email is about the previously mentioned woman in Milan (Alex talked about her months ago) that had been paid off to drop rape charges she’d pressed against Asscicle. Ryan’s whole point is that if *sscicle managed to turn Pine Valley into a bunch of gun-toting freaks in just a few month, then they need only add to that ALL of the cities *ss-boy frequented and get themselves a white board the size of the Vietnam Memorial.

Derek says all Ryan’s jabbering still doesn’t erase the fact that Lena tried to poison *sscicle. Jack points out that the time of death would matter. Because if Lena planted the poison AFTER he’d been offed, then there can’t be an intent to kill someone that’s already dead. I smack my forehead. Yes there can! If no one KNOWS the person is dead, there can. God!

Derek has an idea about how to narrow down that pesky time of death dilemma. He marches over to Kendall and says that if she really married *sscicle in Vegas, then Lena’s up on attempted murder charges. So all Kendall has to do to get her off (er, no pun intended) is admit that the marriage to *sscicle was one great big work of fiction.

Kendall does what she usually does when she feels put on the spot. She lashes out. Jack informs Kendall that if she changes her story now, then she incriminates herself in *sscicle’s actual murder. Lena calls out for her not to say anything. Everybody is staring at Kendall and with what Jack and Lena just said to her, why do they even think she’ll do anything other than stick to her guns? Of course, Kendall stays with her game plan but Tarzan tells her that talk is cheap and evidence proving it would be nice. Ryan suggests the production of a witness that doesn’t later pull a disappearing act might do the trick. Kendall has one! She points a finger at Maggie, saying that the girl saw her and *sscicle exiting his condo.

Now Maggie is put on the spot and she gets yelled at by Derek for not coming forward with this bit of information. Her confidence restored, Kendall reiterates more forcefully that she indeed married *sscicle. Okay, then. Lena is under arrest.

Kendall apologizes to Bianca for not being able to help Lena. Bianca still loves her sister and all (she makes sure she says it) but she’s mad all over again about her marrying *sscicle. If that’s not bad enough, Tarzan and Ryan shoehorn their way into the conversation to give Kendall s*** for leaving Lena to twist in the wind. What is this, Doo-Doo on Kendall Day? Kendall understandably doesn’t want to listen to anymore of everyone’s guilt-tripping bulls*** and she takes off...

Bianca can’t believe what Lena did for her. She’s determined to help.

Jack wants to take a lenient stance against Lena with the charges. This p*ss*s Tarzek off since they’re tired of Jack being soft on all their suspects. Jack says they have no physical evidence linking Lena to *sscicle’s actual murder. “She wanted him dead!” is Tarzan’s argument. Jack points out that if they arrested ALL the people that wanted that, they’d have to rent jail space. He also says that a good lawyer can get Lena out of the charges she’s currently under because her statement was given under duress. Thank you, Jack. He’s ticked at the way Tarzek has been running the case, blindly playing pin-the-tail-on-the-suspect. He says that if loving Bianca is the criteria for it, then go ahead and stick a tail on his *ss. He storms off. Derek glares and Tarzan is all too happy to add Jackson’s name to the white board all nice and big...

Derek wants the river dragged for Lena’s gun while Tarzan wants to check out the evidence room since they know Jack was in there on *sscicle Appreciation Night.

Jack reassures Bianca about Lena’s case. She thanks him but has another favor to ask.

Next thing we see is Bianca visiting Lena in her holding cell...

On the next All My Children
Smoan asks if Tad minds if she sleeps aroun—er, “dates” other guys.
Bianca tells Lena that *sscicle isn’t gone where she’s concerned.
Greenlee tells Jack that he should face the fact that she’s not nice.
Ryan asks Kendall if she’s sure she wants to do it.


This all gay recap is by C.K..
Read all the All Gay Re-caps at http://groups.yahoo.com/group/TheAllGayRecap/.

Lena parts are indicated in red for those who only want a Lena fix


  • Lena takes one for the team.
  • Dr. Maria finds her inner Steinem.
  • Juan Pablo commits a cardinal sin.
  • Kendall is to Leonardo DiCaprio as James Cameron is to Titanic.
  • Justin adds two names to the list.
  • Bianca sings the jailhouse blues.

The Set-Up – At Adam’s, Mary kisses outside her usual demographics – but I don’t care because I’m officially calling for an Adam and Mary pairing. Madam, as it were. Oh, and Babe and Jamie angst over their tryst, but I don’t give a d***.

At the police station, Lena says she bought the .38 for self protection, but can’t prove she didn’t use the gun to shoot Michael because it’s now sleeping with the fishes. Horse’s head to follow.

Bianca worries about Lena and asks Maggie what she thinks will happen. Bianca, sweetie, Maggie doesn’t even know what prenatal vitamins are: why are you asking her a legal question?

Police Station – Kendall tells Ryan that Lena confessed and saved her *ss; Bianca chimes in to make sure he knows that Lena didn’t mean to kill him and asks him to help Lena.

This makes three: are we safe in assuming Bianca cares again, or is this like Thomas and the rooster and the – oh, good grief, now I am the one strolling down Bible lane!

In Derek’s office, Lena says she ditched the gun as soon as she realized she’d no longer need it – which would make sense if she had ditched it the morning after having spiked the pills and not the same night she bought the poison. On the other hand, maybe she saw Kendall and Boyd (?) put Pre-*ssicle on the hook, which would also explain the comment she made to David about the police finding *ssHat’s swinging body. Which is not to say I’m hooked on the Whodunit: I’m bored to tears with it and am now begging for resolution so we can all move on.

MiniTarzan wonders why Lena tried to commit suicide.

Justin: "Guilt? Because you couldn’t live with all the horrible things you did to Michael Cambias?"

No, you swinging monkey: Lena was paying her lesbian dues by trying to off herself for what she thought she’d done to Bianca - which was absolutely nothing.

Ryan stumbles into the room and tries to blame bad clams for his hospital stay. Marine life is just not safe in this town, is it?

Lena: "Ryan, I’m so sorry: I assumed the pills would be thrown away once the police were finished."
Ryan: "Don’t you dare apologize to me. Anyone who’s got the guts to try and wipe Michael Cambias off this planet is my kind of hero."

Oh, Ryan: you’re such a prince! King, I mean King, sorry. Also, thanks for kissing Lena’s hand: she’s now 200% gay as a result.

The Hospital – Juan Pablo compares Greenlee to her mother and says both are "willful, selfish, bound to get [their] own way and to hell with anyone else" which, when one thinks about it, also described him.

Conte De Vacas, I’m over your chivalrous routine: would it kill you to simply say the Calatravas are trying to skin your and Carlos’ *ss and you need to ditch Pine Valley for a while? Greenlee would understand and, gasp of all gasps, she might even help you! Feh.

Adam’s Crib – J.R. has the moos of all the cows in place and still chooses to believe the pig. Babe! I mean, Babe.

In other news, Mary’s motto is "satisfaction guaranteed."

Police Station – While Ryan presents evidence of yet more people who’d want Michael dead, Lena and Bianca look at each other through the blinds.

Oh, the symbolism! The blinds are the sins of omission and the window is the truth! So close, yet so far! It is all so subtle, like that self-sacrificing smile Lena throws in Bianca’s direction: good thing I know when not to blink.

Jack: "If Michael ceased breathing before Lena put the poison in his allergy capsules, then you have no case."

And guess in whose hands rests this particular piece of the puzzle?  Kendall’s! And what are the chances Kendall will stop insisting she married Michael and save Lena? Oh, I’m sorry; I seem to have too many fingers: I can’t count that low.

While Kendall blames Ryan for framing her in order to get the money, Lena and Bianca only have eyes for each other. I'll regret saying this later, but - girls, stop with the EyeSnuggling and pay attention!

Lena: "Don’t say anything Kendall, it’s all right."

Oh, stop being so d*** noble, Lena.

Bianca: "Kendall, you told me you married Michael Cambias, you swore it to me and I believed you. So, tell me: were you lying to me?"

Yeah, right: Bianca, have you met Kendall? All she wants is Binky love: she’d never admit to having lied to you and lose all the sisterly HoYay she gets to have with you.  I think I liked you more when you were mummified, Bianca.

To prove she indeed married Michael, Kendall enlists Maggie’s help and the power of her black and white memories, but her Zapruder is too unreliable and Derek places Lena under arrest. Kendall’s sad about Lena, but she’s mostly worried that she’s lost her sister privileges and insists she’ll get Lena "a great lawyer." Ryan gets into the mix, too, and says he’ll be "very happy to spring for anything that Lena needs." MiniTarzan just gets on Kendall’s case.

Justin: "Well, once again, Mrs. Cambias: good job. Lena shows up to save your b*** and what do you do? You leave her hanging. You know, it’s friends like you – what am I saying here: it’s nothing you haven’t heard before."

This would be a great place for a Kendall rant, but it’s clear she’s not telling the truth for a (possibly good) reason, so going on a rant will just make me feel stupid once the truth is out. It’s not like going on a rant about Maggie or BAM: those are never wrong and never, ever go out of style.

The Hospital – Dr. Maria gets her feminist groove on and rips into Juan Pablo.

Maria: "No way are you taking me off this case. I’m Carlos’ doctor, not some helpless female who needs you to make decisions for me, ok?"
Juan Pablo: "Listen to me – "
Maria: "No, you listen to me: I’ll be d***** if I’m gonna let you do to me what you’re doing to Greenlee."

What's this, female empowerment?  McThing must had had the day off.

Thirty feet away, Mia and Greenlee confab about Fusion and decide to give Caesar’s methods a try: after all, it worked for him. Well, until Brutus came along.

Fusion’s Roof – Ryan listens to Kendall’s self-pitying rants and to her I’m On Top Of The World diatribe – until she slips and he saves her from falling off the roof.

Fine, you’re St. King Ryan, I get it: McThing has shoved you so far down my throat that I can no longer say "I’m a lesbian" without gagging.

Police Station – Bianca is still there, with Maggie, worrying about Lena.

Bianca: I can’t believe it. She loves me enough to have tried to kill Michael. […] Right now we have to do what it takes, whatever it takes, to help Lena."

Kind of makes one wonder what else she loves you enough for, huh? As if there ever were any doubt.

In Derek’s office, Jack says he’ll only ask for "nominal bail" for Lena and that she "has friends" and will be "bailed out before the paperwork is even processed."

See what a suicide and a murder attempt get you? Friends!

Jack: "Derek, you have no physical evidence linking Lena to Michael’s murder."
Justin: "Jack, she wanted him dead!"

Bwah! Are you kidding me? Here’s a shiny object: do you think it’s the sun? God, you’re so d*** stupid.

Jack: "I tell you what Derek: if you’re using loving my niece as sole criteria for murder, you go ahead and pin that tail on me."

Hey, does Marge know about this? Jack is stealing her tail! [If you don’t read the recap in my Yahoo! Group, then you’re missing all the Marge fun.]

Jack’s name is now on the board of shame. I dunno, does AMC have enough Velveeta for this?

Adam’s Crib – J.R., Jamie and Babe put on a show for Adam and Mary; J.R. is the only one who doesn’t know he’s the shamefully ignorant one of the bunch.

The Last Scenes – At Adam’s, Mary vows she’ll prove Jamie and Babe slept together: with a bit of luck, her new plan won’t involve sucking face with a minor.

At the police station, Jack promises Bianca that Lena won’t go to jail. Jack, what did we say about making promises that involve any kind of lawyering on your part?

In her cell, Lena chooses Bianca over the "jailhouse cuisine." Hey, I’m just glad you don’t have those d*** clips in your hair again, Lena: last time you were in jail, I was traumatized for weeks because of them.

At Fusion, Kendall's bra fills Greenlee’s field of vision.

NEXT WEEK ON ALL MY CHILDREN: Simone asks Tad how he’d feel if she were to "date other guys;" Bianca tells Lena that "Michael isn’t gone from" her; Greenlee wants Jack to "face the truth" about her; Kendall is "sure."


From Anonymous.
I noticed something that proves Lena is getting preferrential treatment in prison: she has a bottle of Evian on top of the water fountain in her cell. Maybe those are the strings that the Worst. DA. Ever. is pulling.

From Sapphicmac
Alright alright... Do we need to give Kendall a copy of the Pine Valley Map? Or do we need to update our reference map at http://members.cox.net/owest/pv/index.html.

When Kendall was gesticulating toward the triumvirate of corporations in Pine Valley, was she on top of the Fusion building? Apparently so, given unusual fall weather. I can almost hear it now: "This just in to the WRCW meteorologists, we're witnessing some strange precipitation as Ryan and Kendall's garments rain past the Fusion windows." Did she teleport there from the Police Station, or is it wrong on the map?

And what comes first in a soap creator's mind? The map of the fictional PA town near Philadelphia with ocean-frontage? The characters? Or the plotlines? Is the map like one of those hand- held number puzzles with the sliding pieces?


This parody is by LizzieT.

Lena parts are indicated in red for those who only want a Lena fix

Juan Pablo rejected Greenlee once again.
Greenlee: I don't understand why you're treating me like this.
Juan Pablo: Because you are like your mother.
Greenlee: I am not!
Juan Pablo: You are selfish and scheming. She is selfish and scheming. You seek revenge on others. She seeks revenge on others.
Greenlee: But I'm shorter than she is.
Juan Pablo: Go Greenlee. We were not meant to be.
Maria: How can you do this? You're hurting her so badly. I should go tell her the truth myself.
Juan Pablo: Do you actually know Greenlee that you would care so much about this?
Maria: No. But big emotional scenes used to be my specialty. I'm hoping to show that I've still got it.
Juan Pablo: I want you off of the case. You could be killed by being so close to Carlos.
Maria: Forget it. I've been killed before. In Pine Valley it's as routine as getting your teeth cleaned. I'm staying on the case. It's the only storyline I've got.

Greenlee told Mia her plans.
Greenlee: So I'll tell Ryan I'm on his side and I'll tell Kendall I'm on her side. That way I'll be on the good side of whoever ends up with Fusion.
Mia: How did you think of doing that?
Greenlee: By watching Survivor. That annoying little Jon guy would be gone by now if he hadn't played both sides against each other.
Mia: So do you mean if Ryan and Kendall figure out what you're up to they'll vote you off of the island? And where do you keep your torch?
Greenlee: :::sigh::::Never mind.

JR confronted Babe and Jamie.
JR: I'm wondering what's going on here. I think maybe my little brother is giving the cow to my wife - and I don't mean bracelets.
Jamie: How could you say that? I wouldn't cheat with your wife - unless she was just some anonymous girl I met on a beach who agreed to have sex with me.
Babe: That's right JR. I've already cheated on you and with your brother of all people. I'm such a bimbo that Simone is starting to look modest.
JR: Hah hah. Very funny. Now tell me the truth.
Babe: I'm as pure as the driven snow and your father is trying to make me look bad. Of course by believing this instead of the truth you look like the dumbest character on the show but let's fake your father and Mary out anyway.
JR: Sounds good to me.
Jamie: I'll just stand here and look goofy. It won't be much of a stretch.

Over at the police station the questioning continued.
Derek: So why did you shoot Michael Cambias?
Lena: I didn't shoot him. I tried to poison him. Aren't you writing any of this down?
Derek: Justin is taking notes.
Justin: Does Michael start with a big M or a little m?
Ryan: I'm here to demand that you release Lena. She didn't really mean to kill me.
Derek: But she meant to kill Michael.
Jack: If Michael was already dead when she tried to kill him then she can't be arrested.
Lena: Is that true from a legal standpoint?
Jack: I don't know but it sounds good.
Derek: All right. Then we'll ask Kendall. Kendall, if you married Michael then he was still alive when Lena tried to poison him. But if you didn't marry Michael then he may have been dead when Lena tried to poison him. So if two trains left the station one hour apart and the second one was going fifty miles an hour faster than the first one, at what point would they collide?
Kendall: Huh?
Derek: I thought so. Lena, you have the right to remain silent.....unless you want to confess to killing Michael.
Jack: You don't a case against her. If you're going to blame everyone who loves Bianca then you should add my name to your pitiful little flow chart.
Justin: I wanna write it! Please? Can I use the green marker? Cause green is my favorite color.
Derek: Not now. You need to go drag the Pine Valley River for Lena's gun. Of course it may have already been carried out to the Pine Valley Ocean but if we're lucky it got caught in the Pine Valley Polar Ice Floe and froze. I just hope it didn't end up in the Pine Valley Great Barrier Reef. We'll never find it then.

Kendall and Ryan ended up on Fusion's rooftop.
Kendall: I just came up here to throw a hissy fit and get too close to the edge.
Ryan: And I just came up here to try to talk to you and to keep you from falling off the roof.
Kendall: Of course we know why we really came up here.
Ryan: You got it. Let's do it!
Kendall: Do you really think throwing our clothes off the roof is a good idea?
Ryan: How else would Greenlee know that something is going on up here?
Kendall: OK. I'll just toss my bra over the edge. It's a good thing you didn't bring Maria instead of me. Some innocent passerby might be suffocated.


Lena: I swear on my mother's life, I did not shoot him.

Lena: I told you the truth about the poison. Why would I lie about the gun?

Lena: I grew up near a military installation.

Ryan: Look who's back from the undead. Hey, guys, seriously, why don't we give the lady a break and just chalk my hospital gig up to a few bad clams and let her go?

Derek: I hate to dim your spotlight, pretty boy, but the charges against Ms. Kundera don't revolve around you. Ryan: Don't you dare apologize to me. Anybody who's got the guts to try and wipe Michael Cambias off this planet is my kind of hero.

Ryan: This is nice -- who killed Michael Cambias? Very -- you know what? You guys need, like, a bigger board.

Ryan: Since you boys can't really find your rears with a map and a flashlight, I decided to do a little investigating of my own, turned up some new evidence -- shiny, new suspect.

Ryan: Man, you guys haven't made a righteous bust since you pulled me in here five years ago.

Kendall: No, Jackson, what more do you want? What, you want all the nasty details? You want to know what kinky things we did on our honeymoon?

Bianca: Oh, yeah, it's not the baby, Maggie. It's Lena. I can't believe it. She loves me enough to have tried to kill Michael.

Jack: Ok, Justin, I tell you what. You round up all the people that wanted Michael Cambias dead, and you put them in jail. You know what you're going to have to do? You're going to have to rent jail space.
Jack: You're going at this investigation with a blindfold on! You're playing pin the tail on the suspect, any suspect! Well, I'll tell you what, Derek -- if you're using loving my niece as sole criterion for murder, then you go ahead and you try to pin that tail on me. Disgusted with the two of you.

Lena: I'll pass on the jailhouse cuisine, thank you.


Unverified in non-clip parts

***** (clip a) [Lena tells the police she threw the gun in the river]

[amc031107a starts]
Derek: Come on, Ms. Kundera, give it up.
Justin: You bought a .38 to shoot Michael Cambias, didn't you?
Lena: No, I did not shoot Michael.
Derek: But you admit you wanted him dead.
Lena: Yes, but I swear on my mother's life, I didn't shoot him.
Justin: Spare us the trouble. You tried to poison the guy.
Jack: Spare us. Will you just back off a second, justin?
Justin: Jack, Jack, Jack, Jack -- she's lying about something.
Lena: I told you the truth about the poison. Why would I lie about the gun?
Derek: Well, why did you buy the gun?
Lena: For self-protection.
Justin: Oh, protection.
Lena: Look, I was taking a huge risk sneaking into Michael's condo to doctor the pills. If he found me, I needed to defend myself.
Derek: Did he find you? I mean, did you shoot him in self-defense?
Lena: No!
Justin: Then you won't mind handing the gun over for a ballistics test, right?
Jack: Lena?
Lena: I don't have the gun.
Jack: Lena, where is the gun now?
Lena: That night, I went down to the docks and I threw it in the river.
Bianca: I don't know what to do.
Maggie: Know what? This doesn't look too good for Lena.
Bianca: What do you think is going to happen to her?

***** (clip b) [Bianca asks Ryan to help (no Lena)]

Kendall: So, they let you out of the hospital?
Ryan: Can't keep a good man down.
Kendall: "A good man" -- that's a new one.
Ryan: Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey -- tell me what I can do.
Kendall: You can go to h***, Ryan.
Ryan: Maybe if you let me help you, I'll be spared eternal damnation.
Kendall: I don't need your help, ok? Ryan, just go away. Leave me alone.
Ryan: Why do you have to make the simplest things so d*** difficult? Now, I saw aidan tearing out of here. Is that why you're snapping at me? Kendall, look at me. I'm not aidan, all right? And no matter how many times you've wanted to kill me and I've wanted to strangle you, we both know that we don't hate each other. Now, I know you didn't poison me. Is it -- is it so hard for you to accept comfort when it shows up?
Kendall: Ryan, I'm not the one that you should worry about.
Ryan: Yeah, Derek and Justin think you tried to snuff me.
Kendall: No, the charges were dropped. Lena came forward and confessed.
Ryan: What?
Kendall: Yeah, she admitted to putting poison in the allergy pills, trying to kill Michael.
Ryan: Wow. Too bad mikey didn't take a handful. Where's Lena now?
Kendall: Well, she's inside being grilled. Ryan, you have to do something. We've got to find a way to get her out of this, please.
[amc031107b-inc2 starts]
Bianca: Ryan, thank god you're here.
Ryan: Yeah, I second that.
Bianca: Listen, I'm so glad that you're doing all right. You know that Lena didn't mean for any of this to happen. And she could be facing prison right now, and there's nothing i can do, but -- I don't know -- if there's any way that you can help her out, I've got to ask you to please, please do it.

***** (clip c) [Lena apologizes to Ryan for poisioning him]

[amc031107c starts]
Justin: Why would you toss out a gun that you just bought if you're not ditching evidence to tie you to a crime?
Lena: I grew up near a military installation. As far back as I can remember, guns have made me very nervous.
Derek: Not too nervous to buy one or to carry it on you.
Lena: Like I said, it was for protection against Michael. Once I didn't need it anymore, I threw it away.
Jack: Makes sense to me.
Derek: I'm sure it does make sense to you, Jack.
Justin: Why'd you try to kill yourself, Ms. Kundera? Hmm? Guilt? Because you couldn't live with all the horrible things you did to Michael Cambias, so you try to go off and dose yourself with poison?
Ryan: Look who's back from the undead. Hey, guys, seriously, why don't we give the lady a break and just chalk my hospital gig up to a few bad clams and let her go?
Justin: Get out of here.
Ryan: What? Me?
Justin: Go. Yeah.
Ryan: Wait a minute. I'm a victim here. Don't I get a say? Or maybe I should call a press conference. Cambias money speaks, people sit up and issue press releases.
Derek: I hate to dim your spotlight, pretty boy, but the charges against Ms. Kundera don't revolve around you.
Justin: She's facing possible prison time for the attempted murder of Michael Cambias -- her intended victim.
Lena: Ryan, I am so sorry. I assumed the pills would be thrown away once the police were finished --
Ryan: No. Don't you dare apologize to me. Anybody who's got the guts to try and wipe Michael Cambias off this planet is my kind of hero.
Derek: That's really cute, Ryan. That's really -- get the h*** out of here!
Ryan: This is nice -- who killed Michael Cambias? Very -- you know what? You guys need, like, a bigger board.
Justin: Why, you know something we don't know?
Ryan: Well, see, the thing is, since you boys can't really find your rears with a map and a flashlight, I decided to do a little investigating of my own, turned up some new evidence -- shiny, new suspect.
Jack: Yeah, what do you got? Another dead end for us?
Ryan: No, actually, Jackson, you're going to love this. Sex this case right up.
Derek: What's that?
Ryan: This is a hard copy from some Cambias family info I had emailed to me from my attorney. Check it out. Don't worry, sweetheart. This should get them off your case.

***** (clip d) [Bianca and Lena watch each other through the window]

[amc031107d starts]
Ryan: Pretty interesting reading, isn't it, gentlemen?
Jack: Well, according to this, a woman in Milan signed an agreement not to press rape charges against Michael Cambias in exchange for a rather large sum of money.
Ryan: Now, see, you just find the woman in Milan and get her alibi for the night Michael was killed.
Justin: All this proves is that she was bought off.
Ryan: What? It proves Cambias had enemies all over the planet. I mean, what, did he turn this town against him in a couple of months? Multiply that by the global network that hated his guts. Time to get rid of the little white board here, gentlemen. This is your new list of suspects. Just find every phone directory from every city that Michael Cambias dirtied by breathing its air. And while you're at it, why don't you add me to the list?
Jack: Ryan, you were in Vegas when Michael was murdered.
Ryan: Yeah, but there was a 24-hour window around Michael's death. I mean, technically, I could've hopped on the Cambias jet, flown here, touched down, plugged the creep, and got back in time for the last floor show.
Justin: Don't you think we considered that?
Ryan: What, are you serious?
Justin: Yeah.
Ryan: And what about you, Derek? Man, you guys haven't made a righteous bust since you pulled me in here five years ago.
Derek: You know, Ryan, who cares? Doesn't even matter. Even if somebody in Cambias' past hated him enough to pull the trigger, that doesn't wipe out the charges of attempted murder against Ms. Kundera.
Jack: You're wrong there, Derek. You'll never have a strong case against Lena until you can pinpoint Michael's time of death.
Derek: What are you talking about?
Jack: If Michael died in the hours before Lena put the poison in those capsules, you have nothing to charge her with.
Ryan: Because you can't have the intent to kill somebody that's already dead.
Justin: But if she didn't know --
jack: Doesn't matter. If Michael ceased breathing before Lena put the poison in his allergy capsules, then you have no case. You have to set her free.
Ryan: Well, which means it's time for you bozos to finally nail down the exact time Mikey bought it.
Derek: I may have a way to do that. Kendall? Kendall? Lena got the charges against you dropped. How about you return the favor?
Kendall: How?
Derek: Simple. If you married an alive and kicking Michael Cambias like you say you did, then lena is guilty of attempted murder. So all you have to do to save her b*** is to admit that your marriage was one big lie.

***** (clip e) [Lena is arrested for the murder of Michael]

[amc031107e-inc1 starts]
Kendall: I'm not the only one who can keep Lena out of jail.
Ryan: Hey, hey, Kendall, just tell the truth!
Kendall: Ryan, this is you. You -- you did this. You set me up -- this is still about the money, isn't it?
Derek: No, forget him, forget him. If Cambias was still breathing when your marriage certificate says he was, then Ms. Kundera is guilty of attempted murder. But if your marriage was bogus --
Jack: Kendall, you realize if you change your story now, you're going to be incriminating yourself, right?
Lena: Don't say anything, Kendall. It's all right.
Bianca: Kendall, you told me that you married michael cambias. You swore it to me, and I believed you. So tell me, were you lying to me?
Kendall: No. No, Bianca, I was telling you the truth. Why does everyone not believe me? What is it going to take convince you guys I'm telling the truth?
Justin: Talk is cheap, Mrs. Cambias. Now some evidence -- that would be nice.
Ryan: Yeah, maybe like a witness who doesn't drop out of sight.
[amc031107e-inc1 ends]
Kendall: I have a witness. I have a witness. I have a witness right here.
Maggie: Kendall, what are you doing?
Kendall: Maggie, you were there. You saw me and michael leave the condo the night we eloped to vegas.
Derek: Ms. Stone, don't you think you could've shared that information with any one of us?
Maggie: I cannot believe that you're doing this.
Justin: Ms. Stone, did you see kendall with cambias that night?
Maggie: I saw two figures in the shadows. It was very dark.
Kendall: Wait, wait. But you saw us. You knew it was us.
Maggie: No, I heard your voice, kendall.
Derek: But what about Michael?
Maggie: Yeah, it could've been him.
Jack: But you aren't sure?
Kendall: No, Jackson, what more do you want? What, you want all the nasty details? You want to know what kinky things we did on our honeymoon? [amc031107e-inc3 starts] Look, Lena, I'm sorry about this. The timing of this sucks and i'm sorry that you have to suffer, but I married Michael, and nothing's going to change that.
Lena: Kendall, it's fine. I don't blame you.
Derek: You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law.
Bianca: Lena, it's going to be ok. All right, we're going to work this out. Everything is going to be fine.
Derek: You have the right to an attorney and to have an attorney present during questioning. If you can't afford one and want one present during questioning, one will [amc031107e-inc3 ends] be appointed to you free of charge.
Kendall: Bianca, I'm sorry. I'm sorry about Lena. I really am. But we're still sisters, and Ii'm going to keep your secret, no matter what.
Bianca: Well, thank you, Kendall. Yes, we are still sisters and I do still love you, but you make it really difficult sometimes. I mean, again you throw Michael in my face, and now it feels like -- like you're taking his side against Lena or something --
kendall: No, no -- god, Bianca, no. Of course not. I'm completely on Lena's side. She's going to beat this. I'm going to get her a great lawyer, and I'm going to help her, and I'm going to protect her --
Ryan: You know what, Kendall? I think you've helped just about enough. Bianca, I'll be very happy to spring for anything that Lena needs.
Justin: Oh, well, once again, Mrs. Cambias, good job. Lena shows up to save your b***, and what do you do? You leave her hanging. You know, it's friends like you -- what am I saying? It's nothing you haven't heard before.

***** (clip f) [Bianca contemplates Lena's love of her (no Lena)]

[amc031107f starts]
Maggie: Hey, are you ok? Because I could call david.
Bianca: Oh, yeah, it's not the baby, Maggie. It's Lena. I can't believe it. She loves me enough to have tried to kill Michael.
Maggie: She had the guts to do what most of us were too cowardly to do.
Bianca: We're not cowards, none of us. And right now we have to do what it takes, whatever it takes, to help Lena.

***** (clip g) [After discussing Lena, Derek puts Jackson's name on the suspect board (no Lena)]

Derek: Ms. Kundera's in a holding cell.
Justin: That's good. Listen, the murder charge is going to stick for now, but I say we going to drill her and drill her, and she may --
jack: Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Is the arraignment set?
Derek: The courts are backed up because of the coming holiday.
Jack: Well, whenever she is arraigned, i intend to ask the judge for nominal bail.
Justin: Oh, yeah? On what grounds?
Jack: Because she's not a public menace, Justin. She had one intended victim.
Derek: We'll all sleep better knowing that.
Jack: Look, Lena has friends. She's going to be bailed out before the paperwork is even processed, derek.
Derek: You know what, jackson? Usually, the D.A.'S office works really closely with the police department --
Jack: Derek, you have no physical evidence linking Lena to Michael's murder.
Justin: Jack, she wanted him dead!
Jack: Ok, Justin, I tell you what. You round up all the people that wanted Michael Cambias dead, and you put them in jail. You know what you're going to have to do? You're going to have to rent jail space.
Derek: Well, you know what, Jack? All the people aren't volunteering that they poisoned the allergy capsules.
Jack: And any good lawyer would have that statement thrown out, saying she made it under duress. I got to tell you something -- this is one time I agree with Ryan.
Derek: Come off it, Jack! You know what? You're talking --
Jack: No, you know what? You're going at this investigation with a blindfold on! You're playing pin the tail on the suspect, any suspect! Well, I'll tell you what, Derek -- if you're using loving my niece as sole criterion for murder, then you go ahead and you try to pin that tail on me. Disgusted with the two of you.

***** (clip h) [The police decide to drag the lake for Lena's gun (no Lena)]

Derek: This ain't right.
Justin: I know it's not, Dderek, but what else are we supposed to say here? We knew this was going to happen. We've been using Jack's name as a suspect for weeks in this case.
Derek: That don't mean I got to jump for joy.
Justin: Listen, I want the evidence room inventory for august 28 to stack up against what we already got in there.
Derek: That can wait. Your first order of business is to have the river dragged for Lena's gun.
Justin: Listen to what O'Neal told us. He said that Jack was in the evidence room the night of Michael Cambias' hearing. All right?
[Derek sighs]
Justin: Now, I know it doesn't sound like Jack, but I think you and I should know at least why.

***** (clip i) [Jackson assures Bianca that Lena will not go to prison (uh-oh, bad sign and no Lena)]

Jack: Sweetheart, I'm going to do my very best to hurry this arraignment up so that we can lena out of here.
Bianca: That's great. Is she going to go to prison?
Jack: No. Not if I have anything to say about it. And believe me, I have plenty to say about it.
Bianca: You know, uncle jack, I knew that I could count on you.
Jack: I'm glad.
Bianca: But I have one more favor to ask.
Jack: Ok. Come on, let's go.
Derek: You'll have your evidence room inventory now.

***** (clip j) [Bianca visits Lena in the jail]

[amc031107j starts]
[Door opens]
Lena: I'll pass on the jailhouse cuisine, thank you.
Bianca: How about a visitor?

***** (clip k) [Ryan asks Kendall why she did not help Lena (no Lena)]

Kendall: Ryan, ryan, put me down --
Ryan: Only if you promise not to jump!
Kendall: No, I'm not going to jump. Ryan, just put me down now, now!
Ryan: You know what? I don't get it. I don't get it, Kendall. I don't understand how someone can try to help you and you can't push them away fast enough.
Kendall: You know what? That's right. You don't get it, and you never have --
ryan: Well, then -- please, explain it to me. Tell me how you can lie for Michael and let Lena go to prison.
Kendall: I can't -- i can't explain it to you. I've already gone too far. Ryan, please, why can't you just take me on my word?
Ryan: Why can't you just take me at my word? Who's the bigger fool, here, Kendall? Who is it? You or me for coming after you?

***** (clip l) [Next on AMC: Bianca tells Lena that Michael is not gone from her]

On the next "All My Children" --
Simone: Do you mind if I date other guys?
[amc031107l-inc2 starts]
Bianca: Michael isn't gone from me, lena.
[amc031107l-inc2 ends]
Greenlee: Maybe it's time you stopped trying to be so nice and face the truth about me.
Ryan: You're sure?
Kendall: I'm sure.


I have the following clips (incompletes are marked "inc"):
amc031107a.mpg (10.7m; 1:02) Lena tells the police she threw the gun in the river
amc031107b-inc2.mpg (1.4m; 0:19) Bianca asks Ryan to help (no Lena)
amc031107c.mpg (20.2m; 1:58) Justin asks Lena why she tried to kill herself and Lena apologizes to Ryan
amc031107d.mpg (25m; 2:27) Lena's guilt is contingent upon Michael's death
amc031107e-inc1.mpg (10.4m; 1:01) Kendall states that she and michael were indeed married
amc031107e-inc3.mpg (4.7m; 0:27) Lena is arrested for Michael's murder
amc031107f.mpg (5.3m; 0:31) Bianca contemplates Lena's love of her (no Lena)
amc031107j.mpg (2.6m; 0:15) Bianca visits Lena in the jail
amc031107l-inc2 (1.1m; 0:06) Next on AMC: Bianca telling Lena that Michael isn't gone for her

I am eliciting volunteers to host the clips throughout the web. If you have 5-100megs of space you can lend to this project, please let me know!

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