Online Edition



Season 3, episode 10
Series 310
1st release: 11/19/01
2nd release:
Production number: 311
Last update: 04-18-02

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Tia Carrere (Dr. Sydney Fox)
Christien Anholt (Nigel Bailey)
Tanja Reichert (Karen)

Claudia Christian (Carson Inez)
Evan Sabba (King Minalysius)
Shanly Trinidad (Princess Narina)

Written by James Thorpe
Directed by Holly Dale

Filmed on location in Canada (Toronto), the UK, and Spain by Fireworks Entertainment Inc. and Gaumont Television.


Sydney is grabbed by mysterious men, who lock a necklace on her. The next morning, under the influence of Carson Inez, she declares an indefinite leave of absence and departs for Greece with Inez. Karen and Nigel are shocked, and Nigel soon ascertains that the amulet has mind-control powers. He travels to Greece, where he finds that Sydney is willingly helping Carson to locate the tomb of Athena. Despite his best efforts, Sydney remains under Carson's thrall. Nigel is captured and reluctantly helps the two women. He later escapes, and Carson and Sydney make a try for the statue. Sydney realizes something is amiss and during moments of clarity manage to inscribe the incantation that binds the necklace wearer. Sent to kill Nigel, she manages to get it to him and he frees her. They capture Carson and avoid her men by putting her under the necklace's control. TV Tome.


This commentary is by Beboman.

This was a very good episode. It had the right mixture between action, a touch of comedy and a lot of emotions.

In this episode, Sydney faces a great challenge. She has to fight with all her might to get control of herself after she is enslaved by a female Greek tycoon who uses a necklace to control the will power of those who wear it.

In this episode, Sydney goes against all she is and stands for when she is under the power of this woman who wants to use Sydney to find the lost statute of Athena. On the other hand, Nigel is left behind to figure out what is wrong with Sydney and then go out and help her.

This episode can be divided into two different levels: Sydney's fight to recoup who she is while still under the spell of the necklace and Nigel's struggle to find out what has happened to Sydney and how to help her. His desire to help Sydney takes him to where Sydney is held captive. He is also taken captive and fights with all he has to stay alive and be able to help Sydney.

This is not the fumbling Nigel we have been accustomed to seeing every week. This is a strong, determined Nigel, with only a touch of comedy to him, but a strength, loyalty and friendship that leads him to do whatever is necessary to help Sydney return to being herself.

This episode was a very strong, revealing episode. We are also able to see how tightly interwoven is the friendship between Sydney and Nigel. Even in her worst moments, Sydney realizes that Nigel is trying to help her and tries very hard to help him help her. On the other hand, it was very interesting to see Sydney lose control of who and what she is and fight with all her mental and physical powers to regain that which she has lost.

There are some very interesting scenes in this episode. One of them is the laser type mazes which Sydney is forced to work out so she can get to the relic in question. In this scene, we see a strong Nigel, forcing Sydney to the maximum of both her physical and mental limit. He is determined not to let Sydney give up; if she gives up, they both die. While Sydney is aware of what Nigel is demanding, her senses are lost under the spell of the necklace. This makes things hard for Nigel and Sydney. This was a very strong and powerful scene.

The acting in this episode was strong. I just loved the way Tia Carrere and Christine Anholt portrayed their characters. It was just outstanding. The supporting cast was very good too. The writing was very solid, as was the directing

This was a very good episode. I really did enjoy the fact that it focuses on the friendship between Nigel and Sydney. Nigel might be Sydney's assistant, but he is definitely her friend, one who cares for her and loves her, just as Sydney loves, respects and cares for Nigel.


04-21-02. From TV Tome. Claudia Christian was in a similar role as "Helga" in Disney's Atlantis. In both she was the villain on archeological digs in the Mediterranean.

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