“A Friend in Need I” Episode 133/621 [TEASER] G: “Looking out at the cosmos makes you think-- about where we are-- where we’ve been-- where we’re going now.” X: “Yeah-- and like the bigger now. I mean, Gabrielle, what are we gonna do? Wander around Greece our whole lives looking for trouble? Why don’t we go away? Far away? Whaddya say?” G: “I can’t believe you’re awake, much less listening to me.” X: “Let’s go south to the land of the Pharaohs. I hear they’re in need of a girl with a chakram.” G: “You know that there’s somebody out there.” X: “Yeah, he’s been trying to find us the past half-hour.” Kenji [Ken]’s Voice: “Oh!” G: “Are you all right?” Ken: “Ah-- yes. Thank you.” G: “Whoa!” Ken: “Are you Xena?” X: “Who’s askin’?” Ken 1: “A messenger-- sent by Akemi.” X: “Akemi? You saw Akemi?” Ken: “Several weeks ago. I was journeying with another monk through a forest-- near the town of Higuchi.” ----------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------- Kens Voice: “It started to rain. And we sought shelter at a teahouse.” Monk 2 [Laughs]: “Kenji-- not even _you_ could be frightened of this.” ----------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------- Ken: “Your shuji has great dignity and beauty.” Ken’s Voice: “I am blessed with a certainty-- about what it means to be a monk-- but my companion-- was not as steadfast in his resolve.” Akemi [Ake]: “You must leave-- now.” Yodoshi [Yod]: [Roars] [Inhales, Blows out, then inhales] Monk 2: [Screams] ----------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------- Ken: [Coughs] Ake: “I know you’re a good man. In the teahose, I felt the compassion in your heart. Don’t fear me.” Ken: “W-who-- who was that demon?!” Ake: “The lord of the dark land. He’s preparing an army to wage war in Higuchi-- and slowly, the populace. Honorable monk-- I beg you to do what must be done-- to stop him enslaving the souls of that city.” Ken: “But I’m no swordsman!” Ake: “There’s one in the west-- far beyond the setting sun.” Ken: “A samurai?! A priest?! A god?!” Ake: “No-- a warrior princess.” ----------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------- [ACT I] Ken’s Voice: “The way of the sword-- is the most ancient of the warrior’s art. With practice-- the samurai develops the sacred virtues of bravery-- self-discipline-- and honor. A samurai would rather a warrior, than live as a warrior.” G: “This Akemi who sent for Xena-- what do you know about her” Ken: “She was forced by Yodoshi-- the lord of the dark land-- to seduce souls-- into his grasp. She’s very beautiful-- and she’s a ghost.” G: “She’s a-- ?” X: “Gabrielle, before we reach Jappa-- I should tell you everything that happened there last time.” ----------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------- X: “Many years ago-- Borias told me about a young girl who was kidnapped by a Chinese warlord. She’d been taken hostage from a mighty island-- even further east than Ch’in.” ----------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------- [The Past] X’s Voice: “Being the kind of person I was then-- the challenge of finding a new land to plunder was just too much for me. I had to meet her.” X: “So, her daddy’s rich, you say?” Borias [Bor]: “And powerful. He should pay well for the return of his sweet daughter.” Kao: “Come. Akemi-- meet-- ” Ake: “Xena-- the warrior princess.” X: “You know me?” Ake: “Oh, yes. I’ve heard that you’re afraid of nothing. Kao here-- he’s afraid of many things.” Bor: “This girl has spirit.” Kao: “This girl deserves to die-- speaking like that in front of my guests.” Ake: “You won’t kill me. Xena won’t let you. Because in her heart-- she knows that she will soon love me.” Bor: “Xena loves no one.” Ake: “I’ll be your student, Xena. You’ll take me with you. You’ll teach me everything you know.” Kao: “I have a few lessons for you!” X: “Here-- 50 pieces of gold. It’s the best offer you’ll get for her.” Kao: “I do what I want with my property. I say this isn’t a good day to trade.” X: “Is it a good day to die?” Bor: “It’s unhealthy to negotiate with this one. I’d take the gold.” Kao: “Guards!” [Fight] X: “I’ve shut off the flow of blood to your brain. You got 10-- 9-- 8-- ah, forget it.” Bor: “I would have taken the gold.” ----------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------- X: “You know, Borias? I have a dream-- a dream of conquering every land between here and Brittania.” Bor: “Xena-- you’re always looking for green pastures to rape and pillage.” X: “Yep-- and maybe there’s more in this than just the ransom, huh? I mean, with her father as an ally, I could get a nice toehold on that island.” Bor: “What makes you so sure she’ll lead you to Daddy?” X: “Ah, she wouldn’t lie to me. Hm-m-- she worships her teacher.” Bor: [Laughs] X: “What’s so funny?” Bor: “Xena, you couldn’t teach a dog to bark.” [Laughs] X: “Akemi! Come here. I wanna show you something.” Ake: “You’re wrong. Xena will be a gerat teacher.” X: [Snickers] Ake: “I’m ready.” X: “All right. If someone’s comin’ atcha with a right/left combination-- this is what I wantcha to do. You feint back, twist in the direction of the blow, and then deliver a vicious jumping, spinning back-kick. All right?” Ake: “Right, so-- that’s right, a left-- a feint-- uh, a jumping, swinging-- ” X: “-- jumping, spinning back-kick. All right. Now, I’ll be a bad guy.” Bor: [Laughs] X: “Lesson one-- trust no one.” ----------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------- Bor: “Remember, Xena-- I get 10 % of the ransom. [Laughs] Good luck, teacher.” ----------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------- X: “Come on, Akemi-- keep up.” Ake [Sighs]: “My ribs are still a little sore.” X: “Well, next time we’ll start with something a little simpler-- like listening. Listen to that.” Ake: “To what?” X: “To life and death. Every sound, every movement, is a message. A wagon just crossed a creek up ahead. A deer grazing nearby.” Ake: “When you listen to the Kami like that-- you must be at peace.” X: “The Kami? What’s that?” Ake: “The Kami are the powers behind all nature. They make the sun shine-- the grass grow. They brought you to me.” X: “No, no, no. When I listen like that, I’m at war. Every sound is a possible warning of an enemy approaching.” Ake: “I believe that one day, Xena-- the Kami will help you know peace. And I would be honored-- if you would accept this.” X: “Oh-h-h-h-- uh-h-h-h-h-- it’s really pretty.” Ake: “It’s our scripts. When my people are overcome with a feeling-- that needs to be preserved-- we write verse.” X: “Oh, yeah? Like what feeling?” Ake: “Love.” X: “Love?” Ake: “‘Yesterday-- the moon took lodging on my sleeve. Today-- I have hope for even the brokenhearted stars.’” ----------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------- [The Present] G: “So beautiful. To write something like that, she must have loved you very much. What’s wrong?” X: “The truth is, Gabrielle-- she broke my heart.” ----------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------- [ACT II] G: “Se broke your heart? I don’t understand.” X: “For a while, I didn’t understand myself.” ----------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------- [The Past] X’s Voice: “When I travelled with Akemi to her island for the ransom-- I was to learn that my heart was seeking something else.” X: “I thought I was taking you to your father.” Ake: “His castle’s in the north. We came here first to visit my grandfather. He-- died here-- many years ago.” X: “Are you telling me that we have walked days in the wrong direction to see a _dead_ guy?!” Ake: “We must visit my grandfather to seek his blessing. He’s dead-- but-- I can still speak to him.” X: “All your talk about moons up your sleeve-- you were playing me for a fool. I oughtta just-- !” Ake: “You hear the Kami through the sounds of nature. In the same way-- I hear sounds that are silent to you. My grandfather says that you are a wise and appropriate teacher-- and-- he feels your sword-- is not good enough.” X: “There’s a string of widows from here to Greece that say different.” Ake: “Compared to a Katana-- all other swords are toys.” X: “Well-- then get me one of those.” Ake: “The great Katana lies near here-- but-- you must know-- in our country-- women are forbidden to own Katana.” X: “Well, they’re just gonna have to get used to it, aren’t they?” ----------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------- Ake: “Sensei-- I come bearing a challenge. My master wishes to fight you for possession of the Katana-- forged from the purest ore-- of the Hakiman temple.” Sensei [Sen]: “Your master must be a mighty samurai.” X: “Oh, no-- I’m just a girl-- in search of a really good sword.” Sen: “A woman?! A foreigner! Challenging us-- for the sacred Katana?! This-- is a great insolence!” X: “Well, I guess you’re gonna have to teach me a lesson, hm-m?” [Fight] X: “Ooh, gimme, gimme.” X: “Yeah. Grandpa was right. Now, _this_ is a sword.” ----------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------- Ake: “‘In a flurry of snow-- two breaths of wind unite-- and become as one-- and then disappear into each other.’” X: “Listen, Akemi-- I don’t want you to take this the wrong way-- I really love this sword-- and you’re a nice kid, but I just came for the ransom.” Ake: “I don’t believe that. What do you hear now?” X: “Snow falling on cedars. No-- your heart-- beating harder than normal.” Ake: “You’re a master of war-- yet-- you know no words to speak of love. And then you go and save my life. There’s no greater gift of love a teacher can give a student than that. I have another gift I must ask of you. I saw what you did to kill that coward, Kao.” X: “It’s a sacred trust.” Ake: “I would be honored-- beyond words-- if you’d teach me that.” X: “All right.” ----------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------- [The Present] G: “You knew her for a few weeks and you taught her the pinch? Xena, in all the time--” Captain [Interrupts]: “Higuchi is under siege, and there’s no place to dock. I’m turning back.” X: “What?! Gabrielle, I’ve got to go ashore.” G: “I’m with you.” X: “I knew you’d say that.” ----------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------- X: “Firebombs.” G: “They’re going to burn Higuchi to the ground.” X: “We’ve gotta release the water from the tower. Gabrielle, what would you do?” G: “I saw these acrobats. They used-- ” X: “Show me, Gabrielle.” G: “Climb on!” X: “All right. What’s next?” G: “This way!” X: “Gabrie-e-e-e-e-elle!” Warrior: [Screams] G: “Whoa! Xena! [Yells] Go for the ladder!” Warriors: “Kill her!” “Retreat!” Villagers: [Cheer] X: “Whoo-hoo!” Villager: “Yeah! We’ve won! We’ve won!” G: “Higuchi is saved.” X: “Not quite the way I would have done it, Gabrielle, but it sure worked.” [They chuckle.] ----------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------- [ACT III] G: “You know, Xena, I still don’t understand. You taught Akemi the pinch. Did she ever use it?” X: “Yes, unfortunately, she did.” ----------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------- [The Past] X’s Voice: “After a many days’ walk-- we reached her father’s fortress.” Yodoshi [Yod]: “Akemi?” X: “Akemi, what are you doing?” [Fight] Ake: “You have 30 seconds to live. My brothers-- my sisters-- my mother-- and my gentle grandparents-- I avenge all your deaths at the hands of this monster.” Ake: “Father-- ” X: “Father?” Ake: “-- I pray you suffer in death-- the way your family sufferied in life. It was my duty. He had to die.” X: “I don’t care about that! What about the ransom?! Where’s my money?!” ----------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------- Ake: “Forgive me, Xena.” X: “I don’t suppose there’s any inheritance in this!” Ake: “I have one last thing to ask of you. Restore my honor. The sacred katana.” X: “You want me to cut off-- ? That’s why you wanted me to take the katana.” Ake: “After that is done-- take my ashes-- and place them in the family shrine-- in the town of Higuchi.” X: “No, no. No, I’m not going to-- ! Akemi.” Ake: “I pray you will. ‘The-- snow melts. Flowers fade. And I pass-- as all things do.’” X: “You-- ” Ake: “‘But-but time-- and love-- they go on.’ Restore my honor, Xena.” X: [Yells] ----------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------- [The Present] Villagers [Cheer]: “Xena!” “Yeah, Xena!” “Xena!” G: “How will you feel when you come face-to-face with Akemi’s ghost?” Harukata [Har]: “Better question is-- how will Xena feel-- face--to-face-- with the ghosts of the people she killed at Higuchi?!” X: “What?” G: “Who are you?” Har: “My family name is Harukata.” Ken: “But he’s know as the killer of ghosts.” G: “Xena saved your city.” Har: “This time. But that does nothing to atone-- for what happened-- when last she was here.” G: “What’s he talking about?” X: “I was fulfilling Akemi’s dying wish-- to place her ashes at the family shrine here in Higuchi.” ----------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------- [The Past] X’s Voice: “Word got out that I was honoring the ashes of a girl who had killed her father. The townsfolk felt that I would be defiling her graveyard. They banded toegether to stop me.” X’s Voice: “I tried to ignore them, but they came after me.” [Fight] X: “No! Akemi!” Villagers: “Fire! Fire!” ----------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------- [The Present] Har: “The wind took the fire-- from house to house. 40,000 of my townsfolk-- perished-- in the flames!” X: “No, it’s not possible.” Har: “That is-- only the beginning!” Ken: “Akemi told me that after she killed her father, Yodoshi’s spirit was so full of evil-- even the underworld would not allow him to enter. He becoame Lord Yodoshi-- the eater of souls. The 40,00 lost spirits were at his mercy. Now he holds them-- inside him-- enslaved.” X: “Then I am guilty of a greater evil than I ever thought possible.” G: “Xena, it was a horrible accident.” X: “No-- no, I must put things right.” ----------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------- [ACT IV] X’s Voice: “Can you hear them?” G: “I thought I heard a horse, before.” X: “Listen not just to the sounds-- but to what’s behind the sounds.” G: “How many are there?” X: “At least three armies are gathering.” G: “I’ll warn the others.” X: “Ghost killer-- I know that you think of me as your enemy-- but you must believe this. My spirit aches for the torment I’ve caused.” Har: “We both want-- the same thing-- to release those souls.” X: “You’ve devoted your life to killing Yodoshi. Why is it that you have never succeeded?” Har: “I have the power-- to slay-- but it is impossible for me-- to get close enough-- to use my blade.” X: “Why?” Har: “Because-- I am mortal. Only-- another ghost-- can trap-- a spirit as mighty as Yodoshi.” ----------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------- X: “Akemi-- I know what I must do-- but I’m afraid that this day-- what’s done may not be undone.” G: “Xena, the militia is prepared. Why aren’t you ready?” X: “Gabrielle, come here. [Sniffs] Come here. Give me your hands. All right. Here. Feel the surge of blood under the skin. Now, just behind-- ” G: “Xena-- you don’t have to do this. I understand why you would never wanna teach me the pinch.” X: “No. No, today more than ever-- I want you to know what I know. Please.” G: “Why are you doing this?” X: “Gabrielle-- if I only had 30 seconds to live-- this is how I’d want to live them-- looking into your eyes.” G: “Stop this. Stop it.” X: “Always remember, I love you.” G: “Why would you teach me this right now? I don’t understand!” X: “There’s nothing to understand. I just wanted you to know everything I know. Let’s go. We got a battle to win.” ----------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------- Ken: “Wouldn’t it be better if we stayed with Xena?” G: “Xena wants us to lead a contingent to the east plain. She said a group of Yodoshi’s archers are gathering there.” ----------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------
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