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Introduction (01)
Blind's Head (02-87)
Blind's Stories
[01] Blind's a good bard who is eager to learn and to offer her two cents. She does emotions well in her writings. You feel whatever she is writing. This interview was hilarious.
Counsellor Troi could feel stuff, too
Blind's Head
[02] Why did you start writing?BlindzonElyzon:
[03] I've always written for me, to vent and express what I couldn't with spoken word, and what first showed up online was just that, a rant. It was only with some prodding and encouragement that I posted at all.Interviewer:
[04] If you had to do it all over, would you be a bard? Would you write?Blindzon:
[05] I think no matter what, I would have always written something. I can't seem to help it, the stuff just keeps showing up in my mind and needing out, well except for about a six month block I had. I like to lovingly refer to it as 'Writer's Constipation'.Interviewer:
[06] Give us a brief day in the life of Laura.Blindzon:
[07] A typical day would begin around 5:45am so I can wake up and work out to my d-mn taebo tape. While trying to learn to breathe again, I would go and cool down in front of the computer, checking emails and voice chatting. After the usual getting ready spiel (I'll not bore you with the details of my daily grooming) and several prompts to my daughter to 'Hurry Up!', we'd leave the house, her going to school and me to work. I work at a mental health agency basically fielding calls and solving problems, oh and I run around the building chasing down doctors too, and all this ends about 5pm. My evenings consist of some nights being yoga, others laundry and other mundane but very necessary household chores, and the customary checking if homework and such has been done. The 8:00 hour is dedicated to getting my daughter off to bed and then I wearily stumble to my computer around 9pm to attempt intelligent correspondence via emails and such. Bedtime can vary anywhere ! from 10 pm to midnight, all depending on how verbose I am feeling that particular day.Interviewer:
[08] How do you handle stress?Blindzon:
[09] It varies depending on the source of stress, but some of my coping skills would include: chocolate, exercise, chocolate, venting by writing or talking about it, chocolate, having a temper tantrum, chocolate, laughing with friends over something ridiculous, and have I mentioned chocolate yet?Interviewer:
[10] Years from now, how would you want to be remembered?Blindzon:
[11] As a person with a good sense of humor, love of life, a good friend and mother, a great lover, and as someone known for their happiness.Interviewer:
[12] What is your pet peeve?Blindzon:
[13] Debris! Stuff left out for me to trip over!! Things to torture my poor toes! Junk that is in my way of walking!Interviewer:
[14] Who is Laura?Blindzon:
[15] A woman who is finally coming into her own, less afraid to face her fears and determined to live life fully.Interviewer:
[16] Do fans expect too much from stars?Blindzon:
[17] Here's my fence sitting answer ... some of them do and, some of them don't.Interviewer:
[18] What are your feelings on censorship?Blindzon:
[19] No matter what, there will always be censorship, because far too many individuals enjoy doing it. Does this make it right? H-ll no, and we shouldn't just accept this as the way it is, instead we should -- (due to the sarcastic and obviously wrong statement that ensued, we felt it necessary to edit the remaining answer).Interviewer:
[20] If you can cure one disease, what would it be and why?Blindzon:
[21] Cancer, without a doubt that would be the first disease I'd go after. This insidious intruder knows no boundaries, does not discriminate, and leaves holes in families where loved ones belong.Interviewer:
[22] Do you believe in capital punishment? Why?Blindzon:
[23] Yes because I believe some people cannot be rehabilitated and do not deserve to live for the crime they have committed.Interviewer:
[24] What is the most sensitive part on your body?Blindzon:
[25] The bottom of my feet. Oooh, so don't touch me there!Interviewer:
[26] What do you see yourself doing in the future? Any future projects?Blindzon:
[27] Moving and getting established in a new home and to a very large extent, a new way of living. A future project? Probably figuring out how to cook so we don't starve or the house doesn't burn to the ground.Interviewer:
[28] How do you handle depression?Blindzon:
[29] See the aforementioned coping skills for stress and add, a good antidepressant.Interviewer:
[30] What was the hardest thing you ever did?Blindzon:
[31] Tell my daughter that her parents are getting divorced.Interviewer:
[32] What advice can you give to future writers?Blindzon:
[33] I'm no authority, not by a long shot, but if I would have to advise someone interested in writing, I'd say JUST DO IT! Wait, can Nike get me for copyright on that? Let me change my answer just in case, you've gotta like what you're doing. If it becomes to much like a chore for you, then put it away for a while, write something different, write with someone else, participate in writing exercises. Before you know it, you'll want to be writing again.Interviewer:
[34] If you are a parent, what is the greatest wish you have for your child?Blindzon:
[35] Since these go hand in hand, I hope for her happiness and self-acceptance. Everything will fall into place after that.Interviewer:
[36] What would you say every writer needs?Blindzon:
[37] A brain, and hopefully it will contain a great imagination.Interviewer:
[38] How do you feel about subtext?Blindzon:
[39] Gotta love it!Interviewer:
[40] What was the last thing that made you smile recently?Blindzon:
[41] My sister winning full custody of her daughter!! WOO HOO! (I'll refrain from all the terms of endearments we have come to call the father)Interviewer:
[42] Do you have stalkers? If so, how have you handled them?Blindzon:
[43] Ya know, if I do, they're doing a lousy job of it. I mean, where's the adoration? The gifts? Sheesh, don't people take pride in their obsessions anymore?Interviewer:
[44] What, if anything, can stop you writing, if only for a while?Blindzon:
[45] Sadly, I do have an answer for this one. I used to think it was lack of imagination ... that I lost 'it', whatever that creative source might be. After some encouragement from a good friend, I realized it was more because I didn't have focus. Life's wants and demands took not only all my energies, but my creative mind just didn't have time to work, it was being used up by problem solving, managing chaos, and other survival skills.Interviewer:
[46] What to you is the worst feeling in the world?Blindzon:
[47] Resting your elbows in something sticky on a table at a restaurant ... God I hate that!
Gabrielle discovered a taste for fast food
(Send in the Clones)
[48] The best feeling in the world?Blindzon:
[49] Laying down in my bed on crisp new sheets, after a hot shower. Oooh, can I throw in a back massage for good measure?Interviewer:
[50] What is the first thing you think of in the morning?Blindzon:
[51] 'Who's tongue is in my mouth? D-mn that dog!!'Interviewer:
[52] What are your feelings about people who use others for personal gain?Blindzon:
[53] You mean manipulators? They'll get theirs and I hope somebody has a video camera when it happens.Interviewer:
[54] What is a hypocrite?Blindzon:
[55] Isn't he that doctor guy that came up with some oath for keeping well or something? Oh wait, you said a 'hypocrite', that's different. A hypocrite must be somebody that is a follower of that guy.Interviewer:
[56] What kind of doughnut do you eat?Blindzon:
[57] My God, I love donuts!! My absolute favoritest is the cream filled powdered ones. And so as not to seem prejudice, I'll eat either the chocolate cream or the vanilla, I will not discriminate with my donuts!Interviewer:
[58] Does the best writing flow for you, or does it come from rewrites?Blindzon:
[59] Without a doubt, when it flows. My problem is that I tend to edit myself to death as I go and therefore get bogged down and loose the creative moment. When I let it loose and just write, I may have to do some touch ups, but the feel of the story is better.Interviewer:
[60] Which part of writing do you enjoy most and why?Blindzon:
[61] Generally it's the first draft. When I get to that final paragraph, see how I pulled it all together, then I am very happy with what I've done.Interviewer:
[62] Do you type with your fingers on the 'right' keys?Blindzon:
[63] Oh yes, every time. Well except when they seemed to be possessed and go every direction but to the key I am wanting.Interviewer:
[64] What is the longest any plant in your home has been with you?Blindzon:
[65] Well the plastic ones are doing very nicely, thriving even, but those others, let's just say I'm better off with fresh cut flowers rather than the potted plant. The life expectancy is longer.Interviewer:
[66] If you find a spider in the bathtub, do you help it out or squish it?Blindzon:
[67] If I find a spider in the tub, then it means that sucker is on me, and he's got to go. Survival of the fittest ya know. But if that spider had a lick of sense, he would just stay in my basement where he belongs.Interviewer:
[68] What was the last thing you bought that you really didn't need?Blindzon:
[69] I'm telling you, butter pecan ice cream is very necessary. Two of my 4 food groups are there. I mean, other than pizza, how much more nutritious can it get?Interviewer:
[70] Have you ever smoked cigarettes-explain.Blindzon:
[71] Yes, as a young teen. A group of us climbed down under the football field bleachers and on top of the storage shed. We lit up, puffed, and nearly fell off the roof coughing. I kicked the habit since cigarettes nearly caused harm to my health. See, that Surgeon General knows what he's talking about.Interviewer:
[72] Who is your favorite Greek God?Blindzon:
[73] If were talking about the Xenaverse Greek gods, then it would most definitely be Ares. C'mon, look at the guy (hubba hubba). I love his bad boy self, even when he's a bit goofy. That, and he gets great lines.Interviewer:
[74] Do you keep a diary and if so what do you call it? If so, what effect has it had on your writing?Blindzon:
[75] I have been keeping a journal for my daughter since she was 3 months old, she is now 8 years old. Through writing this for her, I've learned to express what I'm thinking, feeling, what we're experiencing all in written word. I' ve been able to capture moments in her life, that someday she will read about and I hope be grateful I did.Interviewer:
[76] If you could only choose a single climate with no variation would you prefer it to be sweltering hot or freezing cold?Blindzon:
[77] That's like choosing between hell or, hell. I'm gonna assume that in this environment I was given the proper attire and shelter to live in, and now having made that assumption, I'm gonna say (drum roll please), can I just go to Hawaii instead?Interviewer:
[78] What is the first thing you notice about someone when you meet them?Blindzon:
[79] I'm hoping it's their voice and not their body odor. Please, don't let it be the latter.Interviewer:
[80] Would you rather live in a sociable suburb, or alone in the deep woods?Blindzon:
[81] I'm gonna have to say the burbs. I am a social creature after all and I like the idea of walking down to the corner store to pick up whatever I need. But can I vacation in those deep woods?Interviewer:
[82] What literary character did you most identify with as a child?Blindzon:
[83] Laura Ingall's (before she became Wilder). Aside from sharing the same first name, she and I both liked to explore, were a tad mischievous, and had a strong sense of family. However, I would never have been caught dead in a calico dress.Interviewer:
[84] When you were a kid what did you want to be when you grew up?Blindzon:
[85] A gym teacher, I mean c'mon, wearing sweatpants every day to work, no grading papers, summers and holidays off, getting to go outside on nice days. Geez, why the h-ll did I change my mind?Interviewer:
[86] What have you learned from your animals?Blindzon:
[87] That if I don't put my d-mn underwear in the laundry basket, I'll have nothing but rags to wear the next time.
Underwear, in case you forgot what it looked like
Blind's Stories
Blind's e-mail address: BlindzonElyzon@aol.com
Blind's Site is: http://blindzonelyzon.faithweb.com/
A story of a friendship ended and one woman's attempt to make sense of it and move on. Hurt/comfort.
A look into Xena and Gabrielle's distant future when kicking -ss is no longer a way of life. Yet some things remain the same, Ares wanting of Xena isn't slowed down by the aging process.
I've Got Sex On My Mind, And Since I'm No Good At Writing About It, This Is The Best I Can Do ...
Finally, some quiet time, a little retreat into the woods for R and R and R (re-uniting), and our two favorite heroes get some much deserved time alone. Or so they thought. Vacation, Xena style -- sort of.
A little sex on the beach, maybe. Gabrielle wants a little more control in her 'relationship' with Xena and sometimes assertiveness just will not work. That's where whining and pouting come in until she gets her own way.
A chilling look at despair and the final moments before death. Xena's peace rests in being with Gabrielle.
A search for one's soul in pursuit of the truth. An introspective monologue that explores the defenses an individual creates to keep from letting anyone in, including one's self. However it is only attained with loving persistence from another.
Once, a companion to the greatest warrior in history, the now lone bard shares their amazing adventures together, to earn food and drink in a village pub. The story of their first meeting, of a young bard's dreams to be with this mighty woman, and a life lesson, as well as the truth, is learned by all in the end.
The effects of abuse and violence in the home of Hannah has taken a toll on her soul. The young teen-age girl is faced with living out her dream and its consequences or, somehow, finding her own way.
Thanks to Kamouraskan for the beta.
L. J. Maas and Murphy Wilson [Amy Murphy].One Step Beyond ... Uber, That Is. WHOOSH #49 (October 2000)
The "Inside the Head of..." series in Whoosh issues #58, 61-66,68-72
Amy Murphy
Thirty-one-year-old Amy Murphy resides in Indiana, and is an avid reader of Xena: Warrior Princess Fan Fiction. If it exists in the Xenaverse, chances are she has read it! Murphy has also tried her hand at writing fan fiction, turning out two very nice pieces that reside on a couple of web sites throughout the Xenaverse.
Favorite episode: IS THERE A DOCTOR IN THE HOUSE (24/124)
Favorite line: "I Have Many Skills" Various episodes
First episode seen: TITANS (07/107)
Least favorite episode: LYRE, LYRE HEARTS ON FIRE (100/510)