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Introduction (01)
CathBard's Head (02-181)
CathBard's Stories
[01] CathBard is one of the best X/G writers out there. Almost everything she writes I want to read twice out of pure enjoyment. A very good writer that makes you feel with every sentence.
Twice as many Xenas, though, often does not bode well
CathBard's Head
[02] Why did you start writing?CathBard:
[03] To handle the heartbreak and anxiety that followed The Ides of March. I needed to deal with the "cliffhanger" deaths of Xena and Gabrielle and couldn't wait until the beginning of Season 5, so I wrote The Healer's Kiss http:www.amazontrails.com/xena/healerskiss.htmInterviewer:
[04] If you had to do it all over, would you be a bard? Would you write?CathBard:
[05] Yes. And, yes. But only with the inspiration of the Xena series.Interviewer:
[06] Give us a brief day in the life of Cath.CathBard:
[07] Rise, think about exercising, go to work, come home, think some more about exercising, check the internet for all things Xena and Gabrielle, head for bed. In between, eat breakfast, lunch, and dinner.Interviewer:
[08] How do you handle stress?CathBard:
[09] I hit things -- mostly a punching/kicking bag; seldom people. Chocolate helps too.Interviewer:
[10] Years from now, how would you want to be remembered?CathBard:
[11] Years from now? Gee, I have the kind of face and personality that people forget from day to day. I'd be happy if my boss recognized me when I returned from a two week vacation. Honestly? I'd like people to remember me as someone who tried hard, followed her chosen path, enjoyed life, used her intelligence, and was, for the most part, a kind person. Kindness and courtesy are underrated.Interviewer:
[12] What is your pet peeve?CathBard:
[13] Right now, it's drivers who use cell phones while driving; especially drivers of very large, aggressive Sports Utility Vehicles (SUVs).Interviewer:
[14] Who is Cath?CathBard:
[15] That's a mystery I'm still unraveling. I know she's around here somewhere. Actually, she's a very fortunate, middle-class, healthy-if-slightly-pudgy, 40-something, single Californian with a dry wit, a keen intellect, and a Honda Civic. (Of course, I'm fabricating the "keen intellect" part.)Interviewer:
[16] Do fans ask too much from Stars?CathBard:
[17] Yes. Then again, we pay some of them far beyond their real value to the world, so maybe we expect a lot in return.Interviewer:
[18] If you can cure one disease, what would it be and why?CathBard:
[19] Ignorance. Cure that, and I bet we'll find the cure for many other diseases because we'll unlock our minds and hearts.Interviewer:
[20] What is the most sensitive part on your body?CathBard:
[21] My ego.Interviewer:
[22] What do you see yourself doing in the future? Future projects?CathBard:
[23] Writing and traveling.Interviewer:
[24] How do you handle depression?CathBard:
[25] I listen to, or watch, musicals like The King and I, The Sound of Music, and Victor/Victoria. It's hard to stay depressed with Rodgers and Hammerstein blasting from your CD player.Interviewer:
[26] What was the hardest thing you ever did?CathBard:
[27] I've had a relatively easy life to date. Maybe it was getting through the untimely deaths of three persons I was very close to, and who all died within about a two-year span, without becoming really cynical or depressed.Interviewer:
[28] What was the easiest?CathBard:
[29] Liking Gabrielle and Xena.Interviewer:
[30] What advice can you give to future writers?CathBard:
[31] Learn the fundamentals of grammar and spelling. Be realistic about your abilities. Be humble. Find a style you enjoy and perfect it, but don't be afraid to experiment. Carry a conveniently sized writer's journal with you at all times. Edit your tales AFTER you've written the first version, get that down as quickly as possible; have someone else "beta" them if you can. Read Writing Down the Bones by Natalie Goldberg.Interviewer:
[32] How did it feel to be published?CathBard:
[33] If you mean "internet" published - it has been gratifying and exciting. I have yet to submit anything to a journal, literary magazine, or established publisher, except my Master's thesis and some other research done long ago. Having those published felt pretty good at the time.Interviewer:
[34] What has the show Xena meant to you?CathBard:
[35] So much, it's hard to know where to begin. It has been my passion for over two years now and has inspired me to write and exercise and dream as never before.Interviewer:
[36] How do you feel about its end?CathBard:
[37] I found the ending sad, but strangely satisfying. However, I like to think that Gabrielle will become more of a healer and remain as much a bard as she is a warrior.Interviewer:
[38] What are your dreams? Hopes? Wishes?CathBard:
[39] Personally: To continue to write and to find my "voice" and produce more original fiction and non-fiction. To interview Renee O'Connor and ask her some intelligent, stimulating questions while sharing coffee and danish. I also wish to have muscles like Renee O'Connor's (keep dreamin', Cath). Globally: To find a way to bring about peace and justice, in at least one neighborhood.Interviewer:
[40] Who do you trust?CathBard:
[41] Most everybody until I have reason not to.Interviewer:
[42] If you are a parent, what is the greatest wish you have for your child?CathBard:
[43] I'm not a parent, but if I was: To provide my child with all possible educational opportunities, without stifling her imagination or extinguishing the spark that makes her unique.Interviewer:
[44] What would you say every writer needs?CathBard:
[45] Humility, the ability to listen, and a sense of openness and wonder.Interviewer:
[46] Do you believe in prayer? Explain.CathBard:
[47] Yes. Though I'm not sure if it actually works, I find the process reassuring -- like meditation.Interviewer:
[48] How do you feel about subtext?CathBard:
[49] Love it.Interviewer:
[50] What makes your best friend your best friend?CathBard:
[51] Acceptance, trust, and a sense of humor.Interviewer:
[52] Could you or have you ever experienced, you or someone else reading one of your stories aloud in the public? What did/would you feel?CathBard:
[53] I think it would be a mixture of embarrassment and pride. I would probably hide in the back of the room.Interviewer:
[54] What's the most romantic thing anyone has done for you?CathBard:
[55] Invited me to spend a weekend in San Francisco and introduced me to the pleasures of calamari and roasted peppers.
Rice-a-Roni, a San Francisco treat
[56] What theme would you like to tackle in your next work?CathBard:
[57] Bringing Xena back from the dead and making Gabrielle a healer and bard again.Interviewer:
[58] What was the last thing that made you smile recently?CathBard:
[59] Finding a shirt that fit just right, and getting it on sale.Interviewer:
[60] What made you angry?CathBard:
[61] Taking a risk while backing out of a parking space because I couldn't see around the SUV to my right and the SUV was too damned tall to see through the windows.Interviewer:
[62] You now have absolute authority over the world. Omnipotent in all areas. (Congratulations) What's your first move?CathBard:
[63] Ensure that everyone has an opportunity to learn how to read, a roof over their heads, enough to eat, and freedom from fear and oppression.Interviewer:
[64] Do you have stalkers? If so, how have you handled them?CathBard:
[65] Nope.Interviewer:
[66] How would you categorize your best writing, and give the URLs for them if posted?CathBard:
[67]My best writing deals with relationships and is usually "vignette-ish", but I've done one or two straight adventures of which I'm proud. URLs:
Tears and Diamonds: http://ausxip.com/fanfic13/tearsanddiamonds.html
Night Promise: http://ausxip.com/fanfic13/night_promise.htm
Winged Goddess: http://ausxip.com/fanfic13/w/winged_goddess.html
Another Solstice: http://ausxip.com/fanfiction/a/another_solstice.html
[68] What stupid thing did you do as a teen?CathBard:
[69] Wrecked my parents' car when they were out of town.Interviewer:
[70] What, if anything, can stop you writing, if only for a while?CathBard:
[71] Lack of inspiration -- when my material or ideas feel stale.Interviewer:
[72] In your opinion, do you fit your astrological sign?CathBard:
[73] Probably.Interviewer:
[74] What to you is the worst feeling in the world?CathBard:
[75] Having to deliver bad news or serious criticism.Interviewer:
[76] The best feeling in the world?CathBard:
[77] Successfully accomplishing a project, journey, or story.Interviewer:
[78] Favorite song of the moment?CathBard:
[79] Of the moment: "A Love Before Time" from Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon.Interviewer:
[80] What is the first thing you think of in the morning?CathBard:
[81] Coffee. Good coffee.Interviewer:
[82] Is there one part of the writing process where you usually get stuck? What have you tried to change that, successful or not?CathBard:
[83] I usually get stuck in the effort to transcribe from my handwritten notes to computer text. I'm a lousy typist and tend to edit as I type which slows things down. Now, I try to just type it in from the notes, and edit later.Interviewer:
[84] Does the best writing flow for you, or does it come from rewrites?CathBard:
[85] It flows, but usually requires minor edits and rewrites.Interviewer:
[86] Which part of writing do you enjoy most and why? (e.g., Taking the original notes, final rewrites...)CathBard:
[87] Getting the idea and working it through in my head before even setting pen to paper.Interviewer:
[88] How often do you think about a piece when you're working on it and when do you think about it?CathBard:
[89] Usually several times a day -- at different times -- while taking a break at work or while driving to or from work; sometimes while exercising, if the exercise doesn't require concentration.Interviewer:
[90] When someone walks into your bedroom, what are the first five things that they're likely to notice?CathBard:
[91] The bed. The books overflowing from bookcase to floor. Dust. Computer. The floor-to-ceiling mirror that takes up one wall of the bedroom (installed by the former owners).Interviewer:
[92] Do you feel in control of your writing, or do you get carried away by your inspiration or characters?CathBard:
[93] I get carried away, but that's what I enjoy about the writing process.Interviewer:
[94] If you consider yourself to have a muse, what exactly do you mean?CathBard:
[95] An internal "imp" that says, "This is a tale worth writing" or compels me to do or write something mischievous that the normal, down-to-earth Cath would never do or say.Interviewer:
[96] Tell the truth--are you your favorite writer, or in your own top five? Why or why not?CathBard:
[97] Nope. I like what I write, but there are better writers out there. These better writers use words and tell their stories in new and more creative ways. I'll read something by one of them and say "Wow! I wish I'd phrased such-and-such a line that way." I'm pretty traightforward in my action and descriptions, not always as descriptive as I should be.Interviewer:
[98] Would the world be a better place if women ran it or would it be basically the same?CathBard:
[99] I'm really not sure, though I'd like to give it a try.Interviewer:
[100] What is your favorite spot where you live now?CathBard:
[101] Our local coffee house on a sunny Saturday morning. It's a Starbuck's, but I won't hold that against them.Interviewer:
[102] What books are you reading now? What about it/them is holding your attention?CathBard:
[103] Sin and Syntax by Constance Hale: A good book on "how to craft wickedly effective prose" written in a very entertaining style and providing useful guidance for writers.Interviewer:
[104] What would your friends say is your worst trait?CathBard:
[105] Tendency to be self-righteous.Interviewer:
[106] Do you type with your fingers on the right keys?CathBard:
[107] Nope.Interviewer:
[108] What is the longest any plant in your home has been with you?CathBard:
[109] Six months.
Ferns have lived on this planet for hundreds of millions of years
[110] Do you have any particular bedtime rituals (glass of warm milk, etc.) that you follow every night?CathBard:
[111] I engage in sleep when I go to bed at night. Does that count? Actually, I take a large glass of water in case I get thirsty during the night.Interviewer:
[112] If you find a spider in the bathtub, do you help it out or squish it?CathBard:
[113] Usually ignore it until it crawls out on its own. I follow a policy of benevolent non-intervention with spiders, except for Black Widows.Interviewer:
[114] What was the last thing you bought that you really didn't need?CathBard:
[115] The shirt that was on sale today.Interviewer:
[116] Have you ever smoked cigarettes--explainCathBard:
[117] Yes. Once -- they were Russian cigarettes and I tried one. That convinced me never to touch them again. I also tried a cigar -- once.Interviewer:
[118] Who is your favorite Greek God?CathBard:
[119] AthenaInterviewer:
[120] Why do fools fall in love?CathBard:
[121] Good question. Fools have as much right to fall in love as the next guy, but I don't know why anyone falls in love.Interviewer:
[122] Do you keep a diary and if so what do you call it? If so, what effect has it had on your writing?CathBard:
[123] Nope. I keep a writer's journal for jotting story drafts and ideas, but not a diary.Interviewer:
[124] How has online writing affected your life and how you see yourself, your goals?CathBard:
[125] It has become a passion, and boosted my confidence. I have a goal to develop characters and tales beyond fan fic, when and if I tire of writing about my heroines, the Warrior and the Bard.Interviewer:
[126] What skill would you like to have that you don't have now?CathBard:
[127] Sufficient skill and coordination to earn my yellow belt in Tae Kwon Do.Interviewer:
[128] Who is your real life hero and why?CathBard:
[129] Eleanor Roosevelt and Amelia Earhart -- both women of courage. I admire Eleanor's compassion and intelligence. Amelia's boldness and independence appeal to me as well. Then, there's Renee O'Connor, whose work ethic and talent I really admire.Interviewer:
[128] What fan fic story touched you so much that you still remember it vividly?CathBard:
[129] There have been so many, it's hard to pick out one. Vivian Darkbloom's All the Colors of the World and The Secret Histories come to mind, but there are many others. Xena and Gabrielle (and Mel and Janice) provide almost unlimited inspiration and entertainment. http://viviandarkbloom.tripod.comInterviewer:
[130] If you could only choose a single climate with no variation would you prefer it to be sweltering hot or freezing cold?CathBard:
[131] Cold.Interviewer:
[132] What is the first thing you notice about someone when you meet them?CathBard:
[133] Usually their eyes.Interviewer:
[134] Have you ever done something that accidentally caused something really bad to happen to someone?CathBard:
[135] Not that I know of.Interviewer:
[136] How is $25 well spent?CathBard:
[137] A good book, and a bottle of good wine.Interviewer:
[138] Would you rather live in a sociable suburb, or alone in the deep woods?CathBard:
[139] Alone, but in a sociable suburb.Interviewer:
[140] What literary character did you most identify with as a child?CathBard:
[141] Fritz - the oldest brother in Swiss Family Robinson and Mattie Ross -- the heroine of True Grit.Interviewer:
[142] What is the source of your inspiration?CathBard:
[143] A certain television series, and especially one Battling Bard.Interviewer:
[144] Where do your ideas come from?CathBard:
[145] A vivid imagination and too much coffee.Interviewer:
[146] What do you find most satisfying about your job?CathBard:
[147] Designing good surveys and coordinating useful research.Interviewer:
[148] What are the three things you enjoy most about writing?CathBard:
[149] The joy of inspiration; the mental development of the story; and the satisfaction of the finished product.Interviewer:
[150] What were your favorite book, TV show, and movie when you were a teenager and what do you think of them now?CathBard:
[151] Book: Hawaii by James Michener and True Grit by Charles Portis. I still love 'em both. TV show: The Brady Bunch -- Well, there's no accounting for that one, is there? But I am still a big fan of Florence Henderson (Carol Brady), who once replied very sweetly and kindly (and personally) to a letter I sent commending her on a live performance I had the opportunity to watch. She gained a lifelong fan with that extra effort. Movie: True Grit. Still love it.Interviewer:
[152] What's your idea of a perfect world?CathBard:
[153] The quiet of a morning with nothing to do but enjoy coffee and the newspaper, then take a crack at writing -- following a short bout of exercise.Interviewer:
[154] How real is your fiction to you?CathBard:
[155] Sometimes it's actually so real that it scares me.Interviewer:
[156] What Disney character do you most identify with and why?CathBard:
[157] Mary Poppins: outward perfection and precision, with an internal sense of fun and mischief. (And I know MP was NOT originally a Disney character, but...)Interviewer:
[158] Who do you read for inspiration?CathBard:
[159] Diane Ackerman and Thich Nhat HanhInterviewer:
[160] What's your favorite website?CathBard:
[161] LaLa and Netgyrl's Tavern Wall and MaryD's Australian Warrior Princess site tie for favorites.Interviewer:
[162] When you were a kid what did you want to be when you grew up?CathBard:
[163] A nurse
Nurse Chapel and Nurse Betty - separated at birth?
[164] What are the limits in sacrifices for true love?CathBard:
[165] There are no limits.Interviewer:
[166] If you could interview your favorite author, what questions would you ask?CathBard:
[167] How do they sustain their energy and creativity for the "long haul"?Interviewer:
[168] And, WHY?CathBard:
[169] To find out how one makes a "go" of making a living as a writer.Interviewer:
[170] What makes a great kisser?CathBard:
[171] You're asking me that? Yikes. Sensitivity and cleanliness come to mind -- and a willingness to focus on the act of kissing without thinking beyond that moment.Interviewer:
[172] What have you learned from your animals?CathBard:
[173] I don't have any animals -- therefore have not learned much.Interviewer:
[174] Does our society glorify violence to the point we have become desensitized to it and the consequences?CathBard:
[175] Yes.Interviewer:
[176] What is your motto?CathBard:
[177] Endure and triumph.Interviewer:
[178] What do you think we take too seriously as writers?CathBard:
[179] Ourselves. I bet you knew I'd say that.Interviewer:
[180] What questions should I have asked? Then answer them.CathBard:
[181] I think you asked some very good questions. Can't think of anything else. OK; Just one, perhaps -- Would you have taken up (or resumed) creative writing if not for Xena: Warrior Princess? The answer is most likely "no." I owe a lot to the series and to its wonderful creators and performers -- especially Renee and Lucy.
CathBard's Stories
Cath's e-mail address: MsCL@ix.netcom.com
All Of CathBard's work's can be found at Lynka's site: http://amazontrails.com/xena/altfict.htm
The Healer's Kiss
Machine Dreams
Blood Reckoning
The Nightmare Scrolls
Night Promise (Xippy Winner)
Tears and Diamonds (Xippy Winner)
Winged Goddess
The Heart of Egypt
Another Solstice
In the Company of Tigers
Her Soulmate's Scrolls
Xena Spartacus: A Tribute
Amazon Liberties (with Skylark)
The Why of It
Hearts and Warriors
Thanks to Kamouraskan for the beta.
L. J. Maas and Murphy Wilson [Amy Murphy].One Step Beyond ... Uber, That Is. WHOOSH #49 (October 2000)
The "Inside the Head of..." series in Whoosh issues #58, 61-66,68-72
Amy Murphy
Thirty-one-year-old Amy Murphy resides in Indiana, and is an avid reader of Xena: Warrior Princess Fan Fiction. If it exists in the Xenaverse, chances are she has read it! Murphy has also tried her hand at writing fan fiction, turning out two very nice pieces that reside on a couple of web sites throughout the Xenaverse.
Favorite episode: IS THERE A DOCTOR IN THE HOUSE (24/124)
Favorite line: "I Have Many Skills" Various episodes
First episode seen: TITANS (07/107)
Least favorite episode: LYRE, LYRE HEARTS ON FIRE (100/510)