Whoosh! Issue 25 - October 1998


IAXS project #117
By J. C. Wilder
Copyright © 1998 held by author
63,965 words

Author's Note: These are the surveys/interviews which were the primary source material for the paper, Romancing The Fan: Romance and Xena Fan Fiction.

1. Lunacy (01-39)
2. Baermer (40-86)
3. Bat Morda (87-134)
4. B.L. Miller (135-168)
5. Bongo Bear (169-212)
6. C.N. Winters (213-241)
7. Della Street (242-272)
8. DJWP (273-311)
9. Ella Quince (312-345)
10. hobbes (346-372)
11. Jenbob (373-394)
12. Joanna (395-420)
13. Katrina (421-492)
14. L Graham (493-527)
15. L.N. James (528-571)
16. Lyssa (572-599)
17. Marie E. Costa (600-627)
18. Missy Good (628-661)
19. PB (662-688)
20. Paul Seely (689-710)
21. Puckster (711-742)
22. Quest (743-770)
23. sHaYcH (771-800)
24. S.L. Bowers (801-843)
25. Tim Wellman (844-872)
26. J.C. Wilder (873-901)
27. Wishes (902-934)
28. WordWarior (935-971)
Websites (972-973)

Twenty-Seven Grilled Bards And One Reviewer: Rare, Medium And Supertoasty


[972] For 2,000 Xena Fan Fiction stories by these and hundreds of other authors see:

Shadowfen's Xena: Warrior Princess Fan Fiction Index

The Ultimate Fan Fiction Directory

The Xenaverse Codex

[973] For reviews of Xena fan fiction see:

Lunacy's Fan Fiction Reviews

The Bard Picks

Barron's Favorites


J. C. Wilder J. C. Wilder
J.C. lives near the Sierra Nevada Mountains in California. She is a student of psychology and has worked in the field for many years. Her hobbies are gardening, renovating, reading, writing, being in touch with the Xenaverse at large and occasionally sleeping.
Favorite episode: IS THERE A DOCTOR IN THE HOUSE (24/124), RETURN OF CALLISTO (29/205), THE DEBT I (52/306) and THE DEBT II (53/307)
Favorite line: Xena praying to whoever is listening: "I was ready to give up once. Then Gabrielle came into my life. Please. Don't let that light that shines out of her face go out. I couldn't stand the darkness that would follow." RETURN OF CALLISTO (29/205)
First episode seen: RETURN OF CALLISTO (29/205)
Least favorite episode: KING OF ASSASSINS (54/308)

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Lunacy | Baermer | Bat Morda | B.L. Miller | Bongo Bear | C.N. Winters | Della Street | DJWP | Ella Quince | Hobbes | Jenbob | Joanna | Katrina | L Graham | L.N. James | Lyssa | Marie E. Costa | Missy Good | PB | Paul Seely | Puckster | Quest | sHaYcH | S.L. Bowers | Tim Wellman | J.C. Wilder | Wishes | WordWarior

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