Whoosh! Issue 68 - May 2002
Letters to the Editor

To write to the editor regarding your comments, observations, and questions about Whoosh!, send an e-mail to letters@whoosh.org. All letters received by the editor are subject to publication and may be edited. Due to the volume received, some letters may not be answered individually or receipt acknowledged and may be published at the editor's discretion. Letters received may be reserved for a later issue.

Kevin Smith 1963-2002
Inside the Head of T. Novan
DVDs and Stuff
Calling All Fan Fiction Scholars
Whoosh! Lives
Ye Olde Business

Letters To The Editor

Kevin Smith 1963-2002

From: Jhenry
Sent: Saturday, March 23, 2002 11:50 AM
Subject: Re: Fan Testimonials In Memoriam Kevin Smith 1963-2002 (April 2002) #67

All the tributes are very nice and once again, thank you for an opportunity on your site to express my tribute to Kevin. I'm really glad Whoosh! has chosen to have this memorial/tribute issue and look forward to the publication in April.


From: Andrew Shaughnessy
Sent: Monday, March 25, 2002 7:08 AM
Subject: Testimonials

Many thanks for the preview of Kevin Smith's fan testimonials. It's touching to see that so many, even those who never met him, regarded him as a friend. He must have been a very special person.

From: Marilyn
Sent: Monday, April 01, 2002 8:06 PM
Subject: Letter to Editor at WHOOSH


Just a note that the Dearborn, Michigan, convention was not Kevin's last.

Kevin appeared with Adrienne Wilkinson at the Creation Xena Convention in Phoenix, Arizona, on October 20, 2001.

Kevin was wonderful, of course. He talked about how he had to cut his hair for a new role he was auditioning for, and how his wife hated it when he cut his hair. He said, his wife said, "Why cut your hair?, you won't get it [the part]"--he got a good laugh out of that. He told us that he loved the word, "Mate," because it could mean so many things. He then went on to give us a number of examples, such as "Ah maatttteeee" to show sympathy.

Poignantly, Kevin sang Bob Dylan's song, "Knockin' on Heaven's Door" at the evening concert that was billed on the printed program as "Night Music in Phoenix a musical fantasy starring Kevin Smith & Adrienne Wilkinson." The ticket for the evening concert read, "Bad Boy Live." As always, it was a fun evening.

After the concert, Kevin came down from the stage and was immediately surrounded by his fans. I remember walking out of the hall as I watched him interact with all of those adoring fans. That is the image of Kevin I shall keep.

Marilyn Cristiano

Inside the Head of T. Novan

Date: 04/7/02 3:38:17 AM
From: TNovan's Mom

Just thought I would write you a short note to tell you that I enjoyed your article, "Inside the Head of TNOVAN". Since I am without a doubt her number one fan I can tell you for a fact that this is a very concise piece about my one and only child. Thanks for the article.


DVD's and Stuff

From: Bev
Sent: Thursday, April 18, 2002 9:40 PM
Subject: Xena and the woman behind the leather.

I miss the show but I am forever a fan.

I own all 6 season's. But I would buy the colection all over again if they would put it on DVD. I would even buy a DVD player too! Just because my tapes are not of high quality. They tend to strech and not work right.

I feel so sad over the terrible loss of Kevin Smith. It just breaks my heart for his whole family. He was truely a great man with a kind heart. We will all miss him. Without him there could never be another show or even a movie. None could do justice to his work.

I just wish the stories could continue. If only with the grandchildren of Xena and Gabrielle.

Forever a fan!
Bev Wright

Calling All Fan Fiction Scholars

From: Dorothea
Sent: Tuesday, April 02, 2002 4:59 AM
Subject: Re: Status of Uber uber Alles

This isn't necessarily related to Uber Fan Fiction, but I got a call for papers and it sounds like an interesting project. Usually these books only talk about m/m, but with all the bisexual and lesbian women in slash fandom today it's likely that f/f will be covered as well. However, there seems to be a harsh dividing line between Xena f/f and the f/f fanfic of other fandoms, so I doubt that any slash reader is going to talk about altfic. Maybe you know someone who would be interested in contributing something for the Xena part of the fanfic realm. It would be a pity if altfic wouldn't be represented.


Please forward to potentially interested parties:

Original essays are invited for a collection tentatively entitled "The Slash Reader: Fan Communities and Fictions of Desire." The purpose of this book is to explore the cultural significance of slash fiction from a variety of scholarly approaches and perspectives. Ideally this collection will be a comprehensive introductory textbook that explores the critical intersection between media fandom and desire and will be suitable for use at both undergraduate and graduate levels.

Possible Topics include the boundaries of consumption and production, the politics of representation, and the fluidity of desire. Critical comparisons of fan fiction from Pokémon to Knight Rider, to Star Trek are also encouraged. Submissions that explore the sexual identities of the characters as well as those of the creators are also anticipated. Papers that deal with the inner workings of the slash writing community, as well as those that explore the boundaries between slash writers and the larger fan communities are welcomed, too.

Studies of Gender, Race, Ethnicity, Class, Sexuality, Media, and Desire are encouraged. Any number of methodological approaches are appropriate and not limited to: Performance Studies, Feminism, Sociology, Literary Analysis, Anthropology, Ethnography, Culture Studies, Historical Analysis, Psychology, Queer Theory, Folklore, etc.

Please submit 2-page proposals or completed manuscripts (MLA style, 15-25 pages in length) to:

Reconstruction Reader Submissions
104 East Hall
Bowling Green State University
Bowling Green, OH 43403-0226

If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact us at the above email addresses.

The deadline for submission of completed papers is August 16th, 2002.

This collection co-edited by Christine Bichler and Jeremiah Smith.

A full version of this call for papers is available at: http://www.reconstruction.ws/projects/slashcfp.htm

Mary Ellen
Doctor Science, MA
Alternate Universes: Fanfiction Studies
The Foresmutters Project

Whoosh! Lives

From: Adriane
Sent: Friday, April 05, 2002 9:29 PM
Subject: Whoosh Expansion

Kudos for all you have "in process" on Whoosh!. You're a long way from January's "doldrums" and "death rattle". Was that only a couple of months ago? Already you have a third of the bills paid by "donation". Do you wish you'd done the "ask and ye shall receive" routine years back? Anyway, clap, clap!

I'm delighted La Femme Nikita is being added. I find that show "fascinating". And, surprisingly, I only recently started watching it regularly. I see lots of merit in the show.

But, for now, I just wanted to say "way to go" with Whoosh! Three cheers!


Ye Olde Business

From: Andrew Shaughnessy
Sent: Tuesday, April 09, 2002 2:30 AM
Subject: Letter to the Editor

I was amazed to see that, after almost a year, Anna Dooland has seen fit to resurrect the debate over her article "Are Xena and Gabrielle Lovers...?" in Issue 53. Even though she now admits to a lack of evidence for some of her statements, Ms. Dooland refuses to give her critics any credit, preferring to continue her personal attacks on them.

It should be noted, however, that Ms. Dooland's most outspoken critic last year was the correspondent calling herself LeedsBard. In her letters she not only agreed with my own criticisms of Ms. Dooland's article, she expanded on them in the most forthright manner. It also bears mentioning that LeedsBard is a lesbian.

Where does this leave Ms. Dooland and her arguments? She calls me "homophobic and heterocentric". This is easy for her because, as a straight man, I am something of a soft target. LeedsBard is a different proposition. As an openly gay woman she shares my view of Ms. Dooland's article.

If Ms. Dooland wishes to accuse me of homophobia and heterocentricity she must also accuse LeedsBard. Since that is plainly absurd, it appears that she has fallen back on the contemptible tactic of slandering her opponents, something which has no place in the pages of this or any other respectable journal.

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