Whoosh! Issue Forty-Four - May 2000

Editor's Page
Letters to the Editor

Sexual Objectification in Xena: Warrior Princess Or Where Are The Three Naked Dancing Autolyci?
By Rachel Gordon (rgordon1@hotmail.com)
Xena, Warrior Princess: Re-Imagining The Religious Cosmos
By Kathleen McPhillips (k.mcphillips@uws.edu.au) and Majella Franzman (mfranzma@metz.une.edu.au)
Interview With Deborah Abbott
By pisafe@yahoo.com
How Obsessing Over XWP Has Changed My Life
By Lisa Morwald (Icnangel@aol.com)
Reflections: Why I Admire Kevin Smith
By Erica Li (erica_macaria_li@netzero.net)
Dear Salmoneus: The World's First Guide To Love And Money: A Non-Biased Review
By Sal_Fan (mjac@sunlink.net)
Caption This: No. 6
By Nicola Guest (britnic24@hotmail.com) and Marian Pappaceno (errorlog@worldnet.att.net)